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Ohhhhh Twinny!!! *sings*


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OMG OMG  OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*grabs Jade, hugs, smoochies snuggle bites, giggles and squeezes real tight*


Thank you!!  I love it!!  *laughs* Socks and color and it is just wonderful!!!!!!  YOU are wonderful!!!


*dances, sings and runs to change her siggy* 

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*bounces and giggles*


Lookee!  I got it!  I got it!   It is just so cool!!  LOL  Lor if the feet danced around that would be something!!  


Thank you Dar for the sock pic and Jade for turning it into the perfect Twinnie sig!! *hugs and smooches both*

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*mouth drops is shock*


OMG! oh dear lord of Light!!  You just havn't been initiated..tsk! tssk! tsk!


I LOVE SOCKS!!  all kinds of socks!  and lol, almost all the kin members are a member of the Twinnie sock club!!  Meaning I have sent them at least one pair of socks..


SOCKS are so amazing!  the perfect little hugs for your feet!  We even have the Official Twinnie Sock Day on September 4!!!  The day EVERYONE wears thier Twinnie socks....


*eyes mc's feet*  hmm...Ireally think that maybe....*giggles, attacks, and puts rainbow toe socks on him*

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