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so like... Sen'jin


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It's brainless stereotyping like that, that irks me.


I have a life. A very full one. But at night when the kids get to bed and my homework is done, I like to have a little fun. Some nights I watch movies with my husband. Some nights we'll play Wii or video games together. Some nights I'll scrapbook, or chat on MSN, or work on some artwork. But some nights I like to hang out with Canuki and some other friends, and we play WoW. WoW IS fun.  I understand that there are some individuals out there who literally spend all their time on WoW, but that isn't the entire WoW player population, and I think that it's wrong to just apply that stereotype to everyone, when it's simply not accurate.


I realize you were probably just joking around, but I've heard it so much lately, I want to start knocking people's heads together.


/end rant  ;D

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Its not a brainless stereotype, because the people that you see on the wow forums, with all the best equipment, and the ones you always see around Orgrimmar / Ironforge fully geared out or on the really fancy mounts are usually (not necessarily always) the ones with no lives. So with them being the most prominent characters on the realms, it becomes a popular stereotype that is easy to pick up on, because its a very visible stereotype.


You're right, its a stereotype from the minority put on the majority, but its an easy stereotype to make because it happens and it happens a lot. Not brainless. Obvious and easy.

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Except that stereotyping is extremely fallacious, and that presents the person saying such things as uninformed, or simply apathetic to saying things that aren't accurate.


And I disagree with it being a very visible stereotype. Visible to whom? People who are familiar with gaming? People who used to play WoW, or other MMO's? If we had this conversation with the rest of my extended family, and their extended family, nobody would even know what we are talking about. I think that it's wrong to over-generalize. And it is brainless (I define brainless to be saying something without thinking it through first) to agree with a stereotype (by agreeing I include using it), when A. You know it is a stereotype. B. You know it's not true of the person you are stereotyping, and C. you choose to use something inaccurate (as opposed to actually doing the research) because it's 'easy' and 'popular'.  ::)


But as I said before, I realize he was only joking around about it. I was merely pointing out my opinion, which was also a rant.

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you meaning all those people in Stormwind with those huge flaming Ghostrider like mounts and big spiky pauldrons to go over bright colorful robes I only wish I had and may never have or at least not for a very long time?


but I'll be on in a couple of hours prolly. gotta shower first :P fera just left for work so we just got done playing on eitrigg (lvl 14 woo! priests aren't that bad) butr i might play WoT MUD for a bit first

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Character list for Sen'jin:


Vellaide: lvl 33 Paladin

Iarendiel: lvl 20 Druid

Liirah (Banker)

Ellyria: lvl 7 Night Elf Hunter

Iryliea: lvl 9 Night Elf Druid



I'm currently using Iry to rp with, and I'm leveling her with my friend Cat, but the rest of my chars are fair game. I'll probably use my Hunter when hanging out with you all.


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all except one.  Franktank.  He's Azrael's co-worker.  everyone else in the guild is me, far, LDD and Az.  Today you were being snubbed my Azrael and i was whining that i was naked in bed and he was playing wow.


i don't know who's on right now.  Azrael is at work and my computer suddenly turned off while i was browsing the web.  and i had to flip the switch in the back off and on again to turn it back on.  then it turned off while it was at the windows loading screen.  when i turned it on again it was at the safemode select screen so i'm running a long anti-virus scanner.

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