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Hello people of the BT  :)


I was wondering if someone could direct me to the BT website so I can do a little reading on those active and such. I would also like to get an idea of who is running the great BT world now. I was looking at getting back into RP'n and would like to bring Linten back to active service.


Hope eveyone is having fun.



Linten al'Dracain


Hi, you've reached the Black Tower Org.  Structured RPing is done over on the Div side of things. 




The above link will take you to the Black Tower Division.  We here at the Org side don't do much RPing here, but we do have alot of fun with a much more relaxed atmosphere with our tainted saidin channeling. You are absolutely welcome to stay and hang out here as well and get to know everyone despite us not being exactly what you are looking for.




I am Eclipse, and I'm the Org Leader here. Let me or Talya (our resident new member liason) know if you decide to stay, and we can get you acquainted!


Hiya Linten


You're at the Org (Community) side now ... are you looking for the RP side only? If so, they're a bit further down on the page, under Divisions.


But why not hang around here a bit too? We're a nice bunch of people. Honest. *Hides Spikey behind her back and smiles sweetly*


Edit: ya beat me to it, eclipse  :D




DOh!!!  *slaps forehead* .... I should have known that too.   :P


Thanx for the reminder and the warm welcome. I might just peek in here and see how things are going ... seem like a friendly bunch .... well ... not sure about that .... well what ever it is that Elgee is trying to hide behind her back.  ;)


Thanx again for the info and perhaps I'll lurk around a bit and see what happens. :)


'tis nuffin ! *angel face*


oh btw ... I hang out at the other BT too ...  ;D


The lurk entrance is at the back, btw. Oh ... you're not talking about Fades, are you?  ::)


Hey Tisme, looks everyone has got you set on the right path, but I will alos add that you are more than welcome to stay. If you do just let me know and we (well eclipse) can get you added to the Private boards and give my long and interesting pm on all you need to know about the BT (Org that is).  ;D


A nice place to relax from all that RPing ;)


and even faster on the firing!




... classic  8)


Sayeth the Roka...


Should've known he was lurking in the Shadows waiting to take a stab at me, lol.


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