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Breaking our Building Blocks - Major Roleplay


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Here we go, Ladies. We are just waiting on the approval, but this is what has been put up.



Here is what I put up for approval on the boards just now.







Approved Players:


- Aubrey :: Co-RP Leader

- AddiBeth :: Co-RP Leader

- Claire

- Muirenn

- Elyssa

- Kara J*

- Raeyn**

- Eqwina**



Breaking our Building Blocks - A Series of Ajah RPs

Centered around the Blue & Black Ajah's but other Ajah's are welcome to join.

MUST be Aes Sedai to join (no exception)


Anything but the Stole (Closed)


>> Maegan and Estel approach the Amyrlin Seat , all three re-swear the Three Oaths to prove they are not Black Ajah; they explain about the Black Ajah’s existence. The Keeper is also resworn. Maegan and Estel reswear Shevara and Raslyn at (around) the same time, under the guise of asking for an audience with the Amyrlin. The premise would be that they are coming to explain their abrupt departures. The Amyrlin then charges them to discretely start flushing out those suspected of being Black Ajah, and determine who are still sworn to the Light.  After that, Shevara tells Maegan and Estel to report their findings directly to Raslyn, so that she has plausible deniability later.  She also trusts her Keeper implicitly, and more so once she's resworn the Oaths.  And she definitely can't be seen to be meeting with two specific sisters often, no matter the reason. Shevara would request that 14 be found, 2 from each Ajah.  So 12 more including Maegan and Estel.  She will encourage you to reswear the Sitters and Ajah Heads especially, since she doesn't want her Tower run by Darkfriends.  The only Ajah Head that Shevara knows for sure is Zarinen, so this will be quite the task!  Raslyn/Shevara need to be kept informed of who each woman resworn is, so that when Estel and Maegan are stilled and flee she still has Claire and the other BA Hunters to work with.


First Selector of the Blue Ajah (Blue Ajah Open)


Elyssa becomes Ajah Head and chooses Nastasia and, much to everyone’s surprise, Estel as her Sitters.  Details of this section will be left up to the Blue Ajah to plan and figure out, and we will be treating it as a "Read and Find Out" section since it has nothing in it that would require DL approval.



I never liked you  (Closed)


Barely a week after being made Sitter, Nastasia disappears from the Tower. Nastasia is a returned NSW who once was to be the Keeper to Lanfir's Amyrlin. Years have gone by and since the change of 3 Amyrlin's, she felt it was time to return, only too little too late she becomes the first victim. A disappearance with a note in Nasty's hand saying that being back is too much for her to handle and that she has decided to leave for the Borderlands once more. Nobody will suspect the letter is a fiction, as she is really dead.


Blue/Black Diona Tapedera kills her for her position in the Hall and casts suspicion on Estel.  Diona would still likely have to answer to the black's council for her actions, which would tie in to the rest of the plot nicely.  Perhaps Tatiana can help her carry out the task, making her also answerable to the council.




What I meant is for Nasty to "disappear" as far as the rest of the Tower knows.  I am totally cool with you actually killing her in whatever painful and 'nasty' (har har) method you can think of.



I can live with that. :) Disappearing with the notes excuse would probably hit Estel hard too as she also feels like the dog of the Ajah... another kicked puppy. Knowing the Nasty 'left' for this reason would probably elevate her suspicion of Elyssa. :D



You Chose me because I'm Weak??  (Closed)


Estel approaches Elyssa believing that Elyssa chose Estel as Sitter because Elyssa is Black, or something along those lines. Basically, Elyssa is resworn and therefore is part of the 14.


Return from the Grave  (Closed)


Maegan stumbles across Claire in the basement storerooms of the Tower, returning the Oath Rod. Knowing who the original Hunters were - as revealed by Arette nearly a month or so before- Maegan confronts the Brown, Claire and Maegan are both resworn and Claire is part of the 14.  Claire would most definitely "butt heads" with Maegan about the idea of reswearing sisters willy-nilly.  As the only original BA hunter left alive, she would tell her exactly what kind of danger they would be putting the Tower in with this folly.  The Black Ajah has been satisfied to remain hidden and work behind the scenes so far, but with this witch hunt they might be forced to show their hand, which could bring open war to the halls of the Tower.  Claire remembers the murders of Shannadin and others and doesn't want that to start again.  She says she will have no hand in the reswearing of sisters personally unless she receives a direct order from the Amyrlin.  Instead she will spend her time seeking evidence of any sisters that might have told a lie.

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How about we make you Ajah Head ICly first! :)


You girls can start that post! :) We'll work it around the one I have to start for the first RP... since being Red I don't need to be too privy to that one... >.> I just get to play an angry Diona for a while after..  :D

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First Selector of the Blue Ajah can start anytime, ladies. I'll leave that to you to start and go with it. The sooner that starts the sooner I can start the killing off of Nasty.... *rubs hands evilly*

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