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Beginnings of the Tower

Guest dragonsworn1991

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Visla stood in her apartments in the Green Quarters, smiling to herself as she looked out of the balcony of the room that she had.  She had handpicked this room herself, high up in the Green Quarters, as close to the sky as she could go, and the ground shrank such that men and women moving below looked like mice to her.  As a Cloud Dancer, she naturally prefered to be higher up in the White Tower as it was as close to the sky and clouds as she could naturally go.


Embracing the Power, she wove Air and Water, and clouds billowed and gathered in the sky, obscuring the sun.  Releasing the weave, she surveyed the skies, this time without interferance from the sun itself.


"I thought you would be in one of the higher rooms."  said a voice from behind her.  Visla spun around, her dark hair flying around her hair, making her look like a ghost as her dress flared around her.  She put hands on her hips, and frowned at Nenera.  "Don't sneak up on me.  You scared the hell out of me doing that.  Where did you move your things to, by the way?  Where's Kemai and Nareoai?  Somewhere near the bottom floor of the Quarters?"



Nenera smiled in satisfaction as she watched Visla jumped like a scared cat, and did not care about the resultant frown and lecture.  She herself had moved her things near to the middle floor.  She was not very confident about heights, but neither did she mind being some height above the ground.  It added spice to life.


"As to Kemai and Nareoai, Kemai is, yes, at the bottom floor, as close as she could be to her natural element.  Nareoai is still moving her stuff up this level.  She's got a lot to carry, and she is going to stay in the room next to you.  She hopes that you don't mind.  Do you?"  that last was a question.


Visla shook her head, and Nenera smiled.  "Lets go help Nareoai, shall we?" she asked, moving out, hoping that Visla would follow.


Visla and Nenera

Air and Water

Aes Sedai of the White Tower

Sisters of the Green Ajah

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Janai glided down the corridors, fingering her new green fringed shawl. "Flaming oaths making me bloody uncomfortable." She mumbled and tossed her dark hair. She moved up the stairs towards the Green Quarters and to find her new room. I ned one of those Warders too She thought as a Yellow Sister went by followed by a man with one of those disconcerting cloaks. Maybe three. Yeah three sounds good to meShe thought and nodded. A small smile played around her lips when she entered the Green Quarters. Sisters bustled everywhere followed by serving men and women carrying their chests and other items. She sighed. And I only have this dress and one other and it's seen better days. She opened a door on the second level and laughed, the musical sound filling the moderately sized room. She moved into the room, closing the door behind her. She went to the most important part of the room and clapped delightedly when she saw the largebed covered in soft, thick blankets and large pillows. She opened the one chest in the room and nodded when she saw it empthy. Other than the bed, her apartments were empty except for two carved chairs and a desk. She embraced saidar and the logs in the fireplace erupted in flames. She wove a ward over her room that would chime when anyone entered and released the saidar. "Now to find a Warder." She murmered.

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Readon stalked down the corridors. Who did she think she was? Turning me down for Bonding just because my eyes aren't blue! I'll show her, I'll find me a Sister who'll Bond me and I'll be a great Warder. He walked out to a walkway and  was nearly run over by a slender, dark haired woman wearing a green fringed shawl. "I'm sorry Sister I didn't see you there." He said when he realized what the shawl meant. He bowed and looked up at her. "Excuse me for speaking so bluntly Aes Sedai, but you seem to not have a Warder. May I be so bold as to offer my services? I am ready to Bond at any time." He said, hiding his nevrvous and excitment by bowing again. He ran a hand through his hair and looke down at her, hoping he wouldn't be truned away. I'll show that woman now.He thought.

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Janai moved from her rooms and walked swiftly down the corridors to the stairs and found herself walking along a walkway, open to the air outside. It was a beautifully crated piece of work, the collomns were positioned to let in the breeze and light but would keep out the rain and snow. She was lost on thinking of a weave when she was nearly plowed over by a tall dark haired man. She prided herself in that she didn't jump back or start. She looked at the man in front of her with all the serenity she could muster and decided she liked what she saw. He had deep brown eyes and dark brown hair that hung to his shoulders. He was taller than her by a good bit and the swords on his back seemed more a part of him than his own arms. He had a fluid grace to him that appealed to her largely and she decided that he would make a great addition and a good lover at that. Her lips curved into a wonderful smile and she raised her arms to place her hands on either side of his head. "I'll bond you." She said and embraced saidar. "I'm Janai Elensar Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah. I'll ask formaly. Do you want to be my Warder? Will you pledge under the Light to follow me wherever I may go and lay your life down before mine? Will you keep this Pledge even if it means you die before I do?" She said, he voice calm and strong. She stared into those deep brown eyes and thought,I could fall into those for forever. Her black hair shimmered in the dim light and her hazel eyes sparkled.

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Readon actually looked at her for the first time and couldn't belive what he saw. She had black glistening waves of hair that fell to her waist and bright hazel eyes that sparkled in the light. His breath caught when he took in her pale skin and the way she moved, it was so graceful that every step seeemed a dance. Her smile lit up her face and the room. When she placed her hands on either side of his face, he shivered, her skin was smoother than any silk. Her voice was like music to him, he wanted to drink every bit of her in. "I Readon Taydin do swear under the Light and my hope of salvation and rebirth, to lay my life down before yours and keep you safe whenever you say necessary. I swear to follow you wherever you may go and I will keep this Pledge and Oath even if it costs me my life. This I do solemnly swear." Then he did something that startled even him. He moved down and kissed her square on the lips.

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Halen strolled down the hallways, followed by her two Warders. It was a bit of an uproar in the Blue Ajah but she held her head high and didn't let any of what they said bother her. She tightened her grip on her blue fringed shawl and quickened her pace. She was on her way to the Courtyard to hear a petition form a poor man who was oneof her eyes and ears from the south. She glanced back and motioned to Deamon. He looked down at her and she whispered,"Go back to our rooms and make sure no one enters. Take the papers in the small box and take them to the innkeeper." He nodded and trotted off back the way they had come. She smiled at Ashda and he retuned it with one of his own. She walked down the steps to the Courtyard and wsa approached immeadietly by a lanky, grey haired man in rags. "Thank you for meeting me Halen Sedai." He said and bowed awkwardly. He handed her a sealed letter and bowed again and she handed him a small purse that clinked with coins. "Please come see me again before you leave and let me get you a room and some new clothes." She said, inclinging her head slightly at his bows. She turned and glided back up to the Tower, leaving Ashda to take the man to the inn and a seamstress.

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Guest dragonsworn1991

Jenai moved to the tower's library and looked around for any sister who had not yet sworn the three oaths. She caught eye of Nicolia leaving the ninth depository. Thats strange why would anyone want to go in there. All there is books on arithmetic. Jenai followed at a distance and held her breath when Nicolia just stopped all of a sudden. The next thing Jenai knew was she was bound against the wall and she could not touch the source. "You thought you could follow me you simpleton." Jenai felt a hard blow of air strike her across the face. Jenai started to weep and she pushed everything into her bond with her warder. She silently hoped she would not come because Nirinla could not fight her but maybe if she distracted Nicolia long enough Jenai might be able to reach the source.




Nicolia cursed herself bitterly. If only she would have stayed in her rooms, she wouldn't have to deal with this wench. Nicolia was Black Ajah, totally dedicated to the great lord, and she could not risk this insect, to meddle in and try and stop the workings of the Black Ajah. She hit the woman hard with a blow of air, and smiled to herself, this one she would break personally and she would make her beg to be killed, or turned to the shadow.

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Visla walked down when she suddenly decided to go to the library to check out something that she thought she might have missed.  Excusing herself and extracting herself from Nenera, she strode down long corridors, down staircases, and past beautifully sown tapestries towards the library.  As she reached the corridor, she frowned.  Someone was channeling in there.  And the combination was one that she had used before.  Spirit and Air.  Hurrying, she slowed to a stop and peered round the corner.


Her eyes went wide.


Nicolia, a detestable red sister, had bound Jenai, a Blue, to the wall, and was striking her again and again with flows of Air.  Jenai was shielded, helpless, unable to do anything but accept what came.  Visla immediately struck out with flows of Air and Water.  As Nicolia was still responding, a wind blasted her off her feet and pinned her to a nearby wall.  Visla slammed a shield onto her while Nicolia was still fumbling.  She was stronger than most sisters in the White Tower.  Over the years, she had only met a few that had matched her in strength, or bettered her, and she was confident that Nicolia was no stronger than her.


"What on earth do you think you are doing, Nicolia?"  she snapped, "What has she done to you to deserve such?"  She released the weave of Air and Water, and Nicolia fell to the ground, the support the wind pushed against her gone.  But the shield was still there.  So as not to attract too much attention, Visla lessened the amount of Saidar put into it.



Sister of the Green


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Janai wove the weave for Bonding and it settled into him, its intricacy astounding her. She hide her surprise as she felt him in the back of her head, a bundle of emotions and sensations. She was even more surprised when he kissed her. She held onto him and kissed back with everything she had. She clung to his chest after what seemed an eternity, her knees weak and her heart beating a turbulant rythm. She closed her eyes and listened to his heart beat just as fast as hers. "Why did you do that?" She asked, her voice quivering. She looked up at him, her black hair shimmering with the movement. Her hazel eyes caught the light and sparkled. "Not that I didn't like it but I still need to know why." She added, the words tumbling over one another to get out.

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Halen glidded down the corridors and made her way to the kitchens where she hoped to find a meal. She thought of the letter hidden in her sleeve and moved a little bit faster. She knew that she was meddling, but she couldn't help it. She had been born to meddle in afairs of countries. The letter was from the King of a failing country to the south, he was asking for her aid. She knew this because she had recieved four other letters like this from various Kings and Queens over the past month. She picked up her tray and glided to a chair and quickly began to eat, regretting not eating in her rooms. She noticed a young woman in white walking by the doors and nearly choked on her food. She threw her spoon down and moved as quickly as she could without running in the direction she had moved. That couldn't have been Aremina Gasovan. That woman was 30, much to old to be a novice. She thought to herself. She knew perfectly well that Aremina didn't look nothing near her age but as she glided along the corridors she found that she had lost her. She moved swiftly along a collumned walkway. SHe spied the only other people there, kissing like that in public. She snorted in sarcasm and moved past them, heading to her rooms.

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Readon felt her in the back of his head and he felt her repressed shock when he kissed her. After an eternity of drinking her in he held her to his ches, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "I do not rightly know. I think it was instinct. Mostly." He murmured into her hair. She smelled of lavender and something else, soft and feminine. He pulled back a bit and loked down at her. "So you did like it then? Maybe we can practice some more later?" He asked, his lips curving into a smile. "Did you hear someone pass us while we were kissing? I thought I heard a snort, sounded like a pig." he said, his smile broadening into a grin. She's like a beautiful porcelin doll. Darker color yes, but more than worthy of protection. He thought as she looked back up at him.

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Nirinla awoke with a start, drenched in sweat, silently cursing the nightmares that reduced her sleep to mere hours at best. Every night it was a pain to simply get enough sleep, and it had been the main reason for her to have quarters separate from her Aes Sedai. Though her decision to had raised some eyebrows in the Tower and Yards alike, they had dropped the subject after Jenai seemed okay with it, and the status quo of not talking about it had been in place ever since.


Taking a deep breath -- which sounded more like a growl than anything -- she put her head back on her pillow, pulling the blanket around her tightly as she tried to calm herself into sleeping again. She hated going to sleep, as there the nightmares were always waiting for her. She hated going to sleep, because it made her seem weak. Soon now, she would fall asleep again...


The message from Jenai, or rather the emotions that were sent to her from across the Bond made her jump up from the bed. Upon realising what was going on, and that this was no part of some twisted dream, she furiously tossed the blanket off of her and dove for the wardrobe. Pulling the very first piece of clothing she could find from the shelf, she only spared herself enough time to acknowledge it would suffice in covering her before putting it on, holding one end of the cloth tied around it to fasten the robe with her teeth as she used her one arm to ensure it would not slip from her. Though Aes Sedai were female, she herself had some reservations against running through the halls naked. Even so, the garment was Jenai's, and was tight at her chest as well as unfit for a woman of her height, but she paid it little mind. Grasping the hilt of her sword, she left her scabbard in the bedroom as she slammed the door open, inverting the grip on her sword so she would not impale someone by running into them.


Upon arriving at the scene, she noticed to both her chagrin and relief that the situation had been mostly resolved already. Jenai's cheeks were red from where the flows of Air had hit her, and two other Aes Sedai on either side of the room. She didn't know which of the two was responsable, or even what had happened, but she knew one of the two, or maybe both, to be a potential enemy.


- "What's going on here?"


The words sounded like an order, and in a way they were. Though she was normally careful to let Jenai do the talking due to the brusk way she treated people, she felt that that simply did not apply right now. Or rather, simply didn't care either way. Wearing nothing but a robe that seemed two sizes too small for her, she held herself in a battle stance, eyeing both Visla and Nicolia for signs of making a move for whatever concealed weaponry they would have on them. Or toss a fireball her way, whichever came first.




Prepared to fight

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  • 1 month later...
Guest dragonsworn1991

This woman, Nicolia gestured, is of the Black Ajah. It makes perfect sense for a blue, who devotes themselves to a cause to devote themselves to the Dark One. She tried to kill me when I started asking questions. She is a friend of the dark seize her and take her to the dungeons.


Nicolia laughed inwardly, this self important blue will learn never to meddle again, by the time they get this situation sorted out I will be leagues away from the tower. Gripping her red shawl closer to herself she shot Visla a menacing glare.


Visla if you would release this shield and let me be on my way I have matters that needs my attention direly. Let me know how you deal with this traitor.




Jenai wept, she was so close to capturing a member of the Black Ajah. She was so close to having her cause fulfilled. The irony of the situation was almost humorous. Jenai had to think fast. If Nicolia could find a way to lie out right than she must have either not taken the three oaths or she must have foreswore them.


I am no black Ajah, Jenai said quietly but hard. This woman is a liar. You know the truth of this by my swearing the three oaths. If you think my swearing lacking bring the oath rod and let us both reswear upon it. Then the true fraud will be shown, and my name will be clear. The creator shines upon the truth and the truth will surface, what is done in the night must one day come to the light.


Jenai looked at the sisters and managed a cold smile at Nicolia, lets get this over with.

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Nirinla took a deep breath at hearing the two Aes Sedai denounce each other Black Ajah, which was both good and bad. Good, because it meant Jenai had gotten one step closer to fulfilling her goal. Bad... because she had tried to do that without her, and was now paying the price for it. There would be Hell to pay for this later on, in private.


- "Nicolia Sedai... Tell me this. One of the Three Oaths tells that the One Power should only be used as a weapon against Shadowspawn, or in the defense of one's own life, is it not?"


Nirinla's voice was brutally calm, if anything could be said to match that description. The ice in her voice seemed to clash with the inferno in her eyes as she continued speaking in that calm, almost whispering voice. She walked over to where Jenai was, cupping her Aes Sedai's chin with her hand.


- "Now, if that were true, how did this woman pose a threat to you, shielded and bound as she was? How threatened was your life when you gave her these bruises? So very threatened you have been, with not a mark to show on you prior to when Visla Sedai's intervention."


She turned around slowly, letting go of Jenai's face and instead slowly drawing the katana out of its sheath with the one arm she had. She pointed the blade at Nicolia, unafraid, and unwilling to back down as she continued to speak.


- "You forgot, Nicolia, whose Warder i am. Whose emotions i feel through the Bond... The same emotions that prove she was not the one to lash out first. So tell me, Aes Sedai, she who cannot lie... What proof do you have in turn that she is Black Ajah?"


Through the Bond, Jenai would be feeling a hatred strong enough to almost drown out her feelings as well. It was a feeling she reserved for facing the worst of criminals, an emotion whose true magnitude could only be glimpsed whenever the Aes Sedai would focus on the Bond during her everpresent nightmares. It took every fiber in her body not to attack this woman and carve her into a thousand pieces, but the Void somehow managed to hold firm against the onslaught. She would guard Jenai, and leave Nicolia up to Visar, a channeler to deal with a channeler.




Still guarding Jenai's back

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