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Dead Like Me: Life After Death


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The movie drops today.  I hope someone watches it to let me know if it is worth a buy or rental.


plot: After the departure of Rube Sofer, a new head reaper named Cameron Kane takes over. He's a slick businessman who couldn't care less about helping the newly dead. Chaos ensues and brings out the worst in Daisy and Mason who begin drinking anew. George and Reggie re-connect for the first time when George reaps a new friend of Reggie's.

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Okay, I bought, and just watched this.



It wasn't an 'extended episode', like the stargate movies. Its a stand-a-lone movie, 5 years after she died. (so basically 3 years after the 2nd season)


I don't want to go into any specific plot points, but its definately not an episode-turned-movie. If anything it could be 6 episodes. (Its only an hour and 20 some odd minutes or so)

There are several inter-twined plot events going on, and an VERY awesome/interesting/sad conclusion.

I can't think of many movies that would make those of you who are emitionally weak want to laugh and cry at the same time. ;) (Aka, I' don't cry, its not my thing. But if your someone who cries at tear jerkers, this might nail ya, But its also makes you laugh in the dead like me fasion, as well as smile for how 'good' it ended.)


I just wish they would have explained exactly what happened to Rube (<3 that guy) and of course, I wish they'd continue that awesome tv series.

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I guess they assume we would think he moved on.


Well, if you watch it, they say he got his 'lights', and 'moved on'. However they are incredibly vague, and almost elude that, perhaps thats not what really happened... For whatever reason...

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My wife just got us started on the series not long before the movie came out...  definately looking forward to finishing the series and watching the movie.  I still think Rube should have made at least 1 Inigo Montoya joke (or maybe he does and I just haven't seen it yet... *shrug*)

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