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World of Warcraft

Far Dareis Mai

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Because, just by posting on something that mentions wow, I want to give in and go play the game...

Perhaps a good smack might convince me otherwise, who knows  ???


Anyway, yah, I tend to say such things when I am unsure of if I am allowed to post in such places, being rather shy :P


And besides, I am a WK who has wandered into SG....I didnt expect to get a dog treat....but then...if it was an evil dog treat....

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WoW has been very enjoyable so far--too bad I can only play a few nights per week.


And I was going to just download it WW, but I plan on purchasing a new gaming pc in the next few months--so would i be able to download it again, or would I have to purchase the right to download all over again? I wasn't sure how that would work...


And YES! please feel free to post on this board as much as you like. We encourage people to take a moment to enjoy their dark side here every now and again...or all the time, as some of us have it. ;)

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I dont know how the Downloading works since they came out with the ability to just download it after I had gotten both wrath and burning crusade, but if you are going to just buy a computer it might be best to just buy the games in the boxes, (Besides, the downloades are huge and take almost all day)

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