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Won't 'cha Be My Valentine? (Secret Cupid Exchange)


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aww Twinnie!  It's still JANUARY!!  Why are you bringing up Valentine's Day already!!! *groans, moans...*


Hey Everybody!!!  *grins and bounces*  It's that most wonderful time of the year when we get to say "I LOVE YOU" and send mushy cards and candy and stuffed toys are the perfect gift and the flower business makes thier yearly quota of sales!!!




ok..*nods*  I hear ya groaning a bit, BUT  I have a very good reason for posting our sign up thread NOW!  We are fortunate to have many overseas members in the Kin Family..and they participate in almos ALL of our exchanges!  So by doing the sign up a bit earlier than normal..maybe they can also get thier Valentine's by Febuary 14th!!!  WOOHOO!!! :) ;) :D :-*


This year we are doing our Secret Cupid exchange a little different!  We have tried and tried to get the Kin's Candy Exchange in our schedule every year..and we just don't!  LOL  Either it is to HOT or we have so may other things happening, that it has gotten lost!  So this year our Valentine Exchange is.....A CANDY EXCHANGE!!!


So you'll be sending your secret Sweetheart somthing sweet!  *Grins*  Chocolates, truffles, suckers, sweet tarts, I know Lor loves runts LOL!  and I know I love truffles!  What is your favorite??

Be SURE to let us know when you sign up what kind of candy you like..AND if you are allergic to anything like nuts or cocoa!!


Ok I know that many of you are attempting to eat healthy and sugar free!  *winks* You can still participate!! Apples,oranges, star fruit, even sugar free candy is GOOD and SWEET! Just be sure to let us know when you sign up!  I know that Dae loves Clementines..and I love a good crunchy apple!


And as always..you can add anything you want to your Happy Mail!! 


So..signup will be from today, Sunday, January 25th through Wednesday, February 4th!  I will PM each of you your Secret Sweetheart late Wednesday night..(after midnight central time)


So we need your:



Favorite Candy


Favorite Fruits!


Also be sure to check that your contact info is correct at the Farm!!


*Special Note..I will take bribe if Myst participates for those that are just dying for Belgian chocolate!!!*

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I am most definitly playing Cupid!!! *grins*


Name:    TWINNIE!!!

Candy:    Mocha/orange/strawberry Truffles; dipped pretzels; M&M's

Allerges: NO allergies  although I am diabetic and can't have lots of sugar...

Fruit    crunchy apples, green grapes, orangs, starfruit, strawberries, watermelon!!  OHH..and all kinds of dried fruits!




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name: Her Most Glorious Evil One

Candy: um, don't really have a favorite lol. Not that fond of cinamin or however that's spelled though.

allergies: none

fruit: don't think it's allowed to send fruit overseas, and as most of you are overseas for me, not really an option. (packages from me have been stopped because it contained fruit and dairy products.) Though I loved dried mango's. Got them from the philippînes ones and YUMMY! So maybe, dried exotic ones could work. And they're almost like candy anyway!



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