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Tournament - Vote for Rand

Luigi Brosse

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Hello all,


I'm sorry if this thread is in the wrong place, but I'm pretty new at DM and I do not pretend to know all about this forum. So, if a moderator finds that this is not adequate, please don't hesitate to deplace it.


So coming to the point. I'm part of a French web site dedicated to fantasy (no, this is not some sort of advertisement) and we are organizing roughly every year some kind of tournament between heroes of fantasy (not only WoT).


The working principle of the tournament is quite simple, we have a succession of duels where two characters confront each other. The winner is the one who has been voted for the most.


This year Rand, the Dragon has been a winner so far, and he is now in 1/4. His opponent is Iorek from His Dark Material.


Unfortunately, he is now losing. So it would be great if you show some support to the Lord of Chaos !


Please go to http://www.elbakin.net/fantasy/tournoi/ and add your vote in the bottom right corner (select Rand and Vote). There is no inscription needed, we don't make money out of it (no advertisement on our web site), this is just for fun and for Rand !


PS: sorry for any english mistakes :(


Death took Rand out it seems....but for any GRRM fans, now Jon Snow is up against Death!  So scurry off and vote for your favorite Commander of the Night Watch!



Winter is coming...


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