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Rand merges with LTT not with Moridin.


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Everyone has been speculating whether or not Moridin and Rand will switch bodies or merge per Min's viewing. Well, is it possible that the merge and death of a personality could actually be with Rand and LTT? As it stands, they are two seperate personalities sharing one body. As KOD has shown, LTT is gaining a stronger presence in Rand's mind and is able to control and weave saidin. Could it be plausible to assume that this is what Min's viewing alludes to? Either one of them dies off, or they become one stronger person.


Thought? Ideas? Also, if this has been brought up previously, my apologies.



Guest cwestervelt

For the longest time, I always considered the "to live you must die" and the merging as pointing at Lews Therin and Rand. As of Knife of Dreams I'm no longer certain. There is definitely an increasing connection and mutual awareness between Rand and Moridin.


If you look at the language and placement of the viewing, Min has the viewing in A Crown of Swords and says:


"I saw you and another man. I couldn't make out either face, but I knew one was you. You touched, and seemed to merge into one another, and....one of you dies, and one doesn't."


It's at the end of this same book Rand and Moridin "touch" with the balefire. Rand had already been talking with LTT for a while. LTT and Rand are becoming more and more the same, but the "touch" never really happens between them.


In KoD it became clear that it was Moridin. Especially when Rand sees Moridin's sick yet angry face when he channels at the farmhouse. Rand recognizes him as the stranger from Shadar Logoth.

  • 4 weeks later...

Actually rand recognizes him as the man from SL, And you recognize him as Mordin. Granted I'm willing to admit that it is very likely that they are one and the same.... But Rand doesn't know them as such. Therefore at the moment Rand knows nothing of Mordin, and further more firmly believes that Ishy is as dead as he was the last time he saw him. I'm not convinced that Min's viewing isn't about Rand and Lewis. Having another person inside your head that can control something that only you should be able to is not normal. RJ has to do something about this little situation, and Rand needs every shred of knowledge that Lewis possesses if he is to have a prayer at success. So as un-popular as it may be, my vote is still with Rand and Lewis becoming one as fulfillment of Min's viewing....


Rand does not need to know it to be Ishy for it to be about them... indeed, it would have no impact on the nature of the viewing whatsoever.


That being said, Rand knows that the man is a darkfriend high up in the eschelon of the Forsaken--for he knows that the man was using the True Power. Additionally Rand knows that there are new Forsaken, Narishma's comments in KoD prove that that is common knowledge amongst Rand's followers. And Finally Semirhage is right there to explain it all if that needs to happen. Provided she can be broken, of course.


Not sure if this theory has been posted or not but....



What about the possibility of LTT merging with Moridin. What if their was a way that the link that was formed between Rand and Moridin could be used by LTT to transfer into Moridins body. The aftermath would be the real dragon LTT fighting Ishy/Moridin inside his body, maybe finally coming to apoint where LTT wins, pulling in too much of the OP and causing LTT or Moridin to die at the same time. This would also support the theory that for Rand to live he must die, ie LTT being part of him and dying but by LTT dying he is preventing Moridin from killing Rand.


Hmmm, I kinda like that idea. I've always felt LTT had a part to play still. I've been laughed at in here before for saying that he didn't burn himself out in the prologue of EOTW, but rather did something that resulted in him being trapped in Rand's mind.


Let's see, Lews exits killing Moridin leaving Rand to take on TDO basically alone. LT has never killed TDO in all their many battles. Rand comes from a new direction and takes out the Darkside. Hmmm, Could Beee.


I really see Rand and Lews Therin combined to take on TDO and head butt him once and for all.


Off topic, but if TDO is dead, what drives the Wheel with no evil as counter to good :?

  • 4 weeks later...

Lews can't exit Rand because he isn't a seperate entity. Rand is Lews Therin and Lews Therin is Rand. The only difference is the sum of their respective memories.


I think that Rand is a sufferer of dissociative identity disorder or multiple personality disorder. When Rand admitted to himself that he really is the Dragon Reborn I think it opened the flood gates in his subconcious to the memories of his past life as Lews Therin. Instead of processing all that foreign (and deeply traumatic) information his mind created a seperate personality based on those memories seperate in his mind from what he saw as his uniquely Rand personality.

Let's see, Lews exits killing Moridin leaving Rand to take on TDO basically alone. LT has never killed TDO in all their many battles.


Nor will Rand with the help of LTT kill the DO. Noone will. The DO is a paradox of everything evil. Rand's intentions may be on killing the DO (I cant quote anything to say otherwise-maybe luckers will help) but by winning the LB, Rand needs to seal him away, Rand wont kill him, I dont believe it can be done.


I don't think Rand's really thought about what he's actually gonna do when it comes to dealin with the Dark One... but on the other hand i suspect a lot has being going on in Rand's mind that we havn't be told about... the whole Moridin connection, the idea about cleansing saidin...


How do we know what Rand has or has not thought about? His actions are about as predictable and understandable as Shaidar Haran. He's like a Forsaken, except a good one who's somehow forgtotten that he has the biggest army in the world behind him sitting around doing nothing.


Well going on with killing the DO, even if it is the "last battle" like in the discussion rand was having with Herid Fel when a certain point comes again things have to be as they were. Rand and Herid fel discussed that when the time comes in the next turning of the wheel the DO has to be sealed up again like he was at the beginning of time. as such the last battle wouldnt really be The Last Battle, but simply A last battle, the last battle for that turning of the wheel.

Any suggestions or comments on that would be appreciated

im just specualting here as well

I also agree witht he fact that Rand is LTT and LTT is Rand


Actually the idea that rand and LTT would merge was what I was thinking Min's viewing meant. Even Rand thought so. He still might think so. Untill I read part when he first saw Moridin in his mind. then I thought back on the incident at Shadar Logoth when thier balefires touched and they both got dizzy and my thought was that it somehow bridged thier minds in some way. Then I remembered a thread in here about slayer, and remembered that they went through some sort of merging. One thing I don't know about is when 2 people merge like that does one personality become dominant? Or do they share equal control? Luc and Esam seemed to be of like mind. I guess it will be a roafo type thing as to the relationship within the MoRand entity.


Personally I disagree but I remember when Rand first heard about the viewing off min I thought the same thing. Rand thought that the viewing proves that Lews Therin is in his head (probably thinking that only the Dragon Reborn would hear the voice of his past life but Semirhage bust his bubble) and that eventually he would be rid of Lews Therin. But personally I agree with the Moridin thing


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