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"The Ripple" in Knife of Dreams


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So, having just re-read the entire series, I was interested in the "ripple" that occurs in Altara. Not everyone experiences it -- I don't think Mat ever mentions it and he is nearby -- but Perrin's group experiences it (he even comforts Berelain) and so does Faile and her group while in Shaido captivity.


What do you guys think it was? Was it just a random indication of Tarmon Gaidon approaching (in the same vein as bubbles of evil) or was it perhaps the Dark Ones' prison beginning to break apart? Theories, anyone?


From what I understand it is a effect of the Pattern loosening. The Ripple is a part of the pattern weakening to a point it almost flutters I suppose and nearly collapse from what the effects are described as.





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I think it is indirectly a precursor to TG. It seems like the Ripples are the results of the Dark One's decree to "unleash" the balefare. Balefire is the only weapon known that directly attacks the Pattern. I think the Dark One realizes that he won't win TG unless he disables the Pattern.


Its even more localized then you think--Faile's 'ripples' occurred on Aine 19, Perrin's 'ripples' occured on Aine 24. Perrin shows directly that his 'ripple' was something he'd never felt before--therefore they were two different ripples, and they were only a days ride (tops 40 miles) apart.


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