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Anyone up for getting shielded?


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Well bottom line is that Geirrin has the talent for shielding so he needs some guinea pigs to practice on.  He is supposed to be able to shield channelers much stronger than he is so the stronger your character is the better but I will not turn down any takers.  So come get shielded and try to break through, you won't break it most likely but you are welcome to try anyway.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Problem is that there are no active characters who are stronger than Geirrin.  With 37 he's tied for first (and the other guy is still Dedicated).  The only character I know in the whole PSW with a 38 is the M'Hael. 


Basically, you can do all the shielding you want against volunteers, and he won't really notice a difference.

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Yeah, it does cause probems being strong :P


Two ways to go about it though. If you want to play off the fact he's never shielded anyone before, Covai's would be happy to use experience to break through his first few attempts, going with the idea that Geirrin hasn't yet learnt how to keep his hold on a shield.


Other option is Arath or Covai use an angrael to pump up their strength, which will then let you see the difference with the talent, if we've already established his shielding abilities against someone with equal strength.


Just some suggestions to help, since I had people getting talents and not being able to use 'em  >:(


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Thanks for the replies and suggestions.  I knew Geirrin was strong though I did not know he was that high, that does present some problems but the suggestions are all viable.


His talent manifested itself during his Ashie duel (which was after the inter-div RP timeline wise).  I was figuring the next RP would be a result of that duel.  The powers to be would be interested in researching his ability to shield someone who was stronger than him at the time. 


Being that he is newly raised we could RP that he has not yet reached his potential?  The angreal idea is a good one as well as having someone break through which would force him to tweak the weave a bit so that he can hold it.  I do plan on doing some experiments with it after the bonding happens.



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So I figured the RP could span several months.  When it starts he would not be at his full potential though he would reach it by the end of the RP. 


If Covai and Arath are both interested I would like to start if off as though Geirrin was called before them when they discovered his ability with shielding as word spread from his Ashie duel unless one or both of you want to play it as if you were watching the duel.  In that case we can start it the day after the duel since he would be too exhausted to channel right after the duel.


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Hmm... Martyn could actually be of use as well, he may not be as strong but amongst the BT he's top tier when it comes to Skill.


Oh well, won't happen until after the Cleansing RP anyway so he can begin taking down his block (since fear of going mad and killing everything with saidin is basically the force behind it). If you're still looking for someone by then, drop me a line ;)

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