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Current Ajah Threads (under construction)


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ok, I've got some time to kill, so I'm putting this list together. I'd like to put up a list of who's doing what with raisings, too. Let me see what I can put together...


Current Raisings in Progress:

Rasheta: (Rasheta)

"Mentor": Jaydena

BW Teacher(s): Jaydena


Raising: Rasheta's Oaths- Complete

Initiation: Molding the Clay- Complete

+Aes Sedai who've posted: Oriella (Lor), Brid Rivalyn (Jade), Jaydena 

Battle Weaves: White Lightning



Kabria: (Eqwina)

"mentor"= Loraine

BW Teacher(s): Loraine


Raising: Kabria's Raising- Complete

Initiation: Tour de la Verde

+Aes Sedai who've posted: Rasheta, Jaydena

Battle Weaves:

Battle Weaves- Complete


Zeveria: (Nephi)

"mentor"= Rasheta

BW Teacher(S): Rasheta


Raising: Veria's Testing and Oaths- Complete

Initiation: A Walk Through the Green Halls- Complete

+Aes Sedai who've posted: Loraine, Brid Rivalyn, and Jaydena Mckanthur

Battle Weaves: Learning the Weaves, Battle Weaves



Dulcinea: (Muiren)

"mentor"= Jaydena

BW Teacher(S):


Raising: The Last Step

Initiation:  The Ultimate Lesson

+Aes Sedai who've posted:

Battle Weaves:



Janine (Quibby)

"mentor"= Jaydena

BW Teacher(S):


Raising: All This for a Scarf?

Initiation: Janine's Initiation

+Aes Sedai who've posted: Oriella Distung (Jade),

Battle Weaves:


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Janine's Tour:



Janine's Oaths:



Rasheta's Oaths- Finished:



Those are the ones I can think of and I think that's a perfect set up above and does not need to be changed.



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Thanks, Jade! Updated to here!


I also added the character's handleowner (love that name, don'tcha?) in ( )'s next to the character's name. Perhaps this'll help us keep an eye out for them...

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You can update it, Rasheta! :D If you want to hit this, I'll take care of the monthly report and we'll have these two things split pretty evenly! :D


Let me know if you can't edit my post and I'll edit the post.

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  • 3 months later...

ok, I updated the post with Kabria's Battle Weaves info, now that it's done! :D


Do you want to RP the Night of Reflection and 2nd Petition, Eq? The Reflections are usually done wherever you want them to be done and with an Aes Sedai of the Greens. The 2nd petition is a big party where we shower you with gifts and you ask Jade if you can be Green, already. ;)

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lol, well, I just remembered Sirayn and Lannie doing three weaves at a time with mine. Sure, it made the posts long and time consuming, but it was done faster. :)


And yay, Eq! All you have to do is pick one of us to sit up with you all night and chat. :)

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