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Philosophy Discussion (N & A's)


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The White Ajah would like to invite any and all Novice's and Accepted's to a philosophy disscusion. I haven't quite decided which topic we will be discussing yet (either the seven Ajah's or the ying and yang of Saidin/Saidar)...but promise I will before we begin ;)


Elgee will be along as soon as I nudge her to tell you all what req's this would fill...because I have no bloody idea! :D


This will be a free form disscusion, there are no right or no wrong answers, simply a way to voice our opinions and perhaps get a different perspective on our commrads in the Tower.  :)


So let me know if you are interested in participating.

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The Accepted one is easy:


Accepted Requirements


  • Choose 3 of the Following:
    * Take a Class* - Must be taught by an Aes Sedai. Must be RP'd to Completion.  - Must be approved by Staff


All Accepted Requirements are a Minimum of 6 Posts and 1500 words per said Accepted for each Thread


Novice reqs are a bit more difficult. I'd say use it for your class option, if you've not done one, otherwise the only option is Novice Life.


Novice Requirements


  • Novice life: - Organize an Rp with 1 or more Novices or Accepted about daily life in the Tower.
  • One OP Related RP taught by an Accepted, Aes Sedai or assigned Mentor
    * Introduction to Saidar
    * One Power Weaving & Application
    * or Submit a different option for approval to DMWTBIOS@gmail.com


All Novice Requirements are a Minimum of 4 Posts and 1000 words per said novice for each Thread


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