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She's back - almost...


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Ok. so I think there's probably few of you who remember her, but I am reviving my Warder.....er, actually she will be a TG....Bril.


As soon as I can come up with a good reason  for her absence, would anyone like to RP?


Brililin Kedali

Former Ren'Shai Freak

Current Daisho Danger

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Just as long as she actually has a pain limit unlike some people seemed to have, Corwin wont go too crazy.  If you have MSN, feel free to catch me on that and we can talk more.  I'll tell ya that I'm way busy with school right now so I might not be the absolute fastest, but I try to check DM regularly.  Today is an example, after I post this I MIGHT get on late at night, it's early morning for me now, but school and work take most all my time.  Jahaine can affirm that sometimes I get behind.  So if I get behind on you, just pester me on MSN and I'll get to it.

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Thanks Mat, it's good to be back.


Corwin...I don't have oodles of time either, just make the most of it so no worries. I think I Need to do some character development with her as so much has changed.


Jehaine...can still RP if you're interested.


Eqwina...*jumps up n down with ya* anytime :)

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*giggles* This thread has taken on a life of it's own...


Jehaine...can still RP if you're interested.


Sure thing ^^


Umm... Got any ideas? Melenis is an ashandarei wielding Me'Arearth student, and has been for most of her life. Excellent speed and agility, though still a bit lacking in the constitution department.


Hmm...actually I think I might have a few things rolling around in my head.  Let me flesh 'em out a little and I'll get back to you and we can work a few things out.  :)

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Mmmkay....first of all, I have no idea as to the how/why/where of Bril's return.  I think for now, that may have to be left for a retro RP (yay) until something in-freaking-genious hits me.


Jehaine - Here's my idea (feel free to add, subtract, throw out, kick, whatever :D ):  Since Melenis is lacking in the constitution department, how about a day of what Bril considers fun *evil grin* (it's actually something I think I might have tortured used as training for a few trainees.  It's a little game of "catch me if you can".  Before when I have done this, it's started off as a dare on Bril's part ("Bet ya can't catch me...") and she runs you in and around Tar Valon, up on the rooftops, through the Grove, wherever the mood takes her......


Lossssssssssssssyyy!!!!  *hugs* I will RP with you anytime hun!!

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Well, it's not constitution in terms of stamina and endurance, she's got that. Though she keeps it a carefully guarded secret, her true weakness is her health itself. She's prone to getting sick and/or injured. The last time she ran over rooftops for example, she sprained her ankle so badly she had to abort the assignment she was on.


She's almost at WS 12 though, so she's comensating for it in the speed and agility department, but yeah... She can't take hits well ^^;

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Hmmm...well that would be someone interesting for Bril to meet.  As a former Ren'Shai student, pain, beatings, injuries, are pretty much her thing :P  Plus she has studied herbs/healing/wellness...so maybe there's something there....

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Heh, sounds like a plan. The hardest thing of course is getting her to talk about it, and basically admit she can't win the battle against her own body regardless of how hard she tries.


Wilderness Survival


That's basically the only time she's ever admitted it to someone (including herself!) and shows how far she'd go in being stubborn about it. She's pretty much the same as a White in comparison, and that's the only thing she can really get emotional about.

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