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Warder Bios (all read)


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All bios from the old database have been entered into the wiki.


You can find all warder bios here: http://digitalglitch.org/drpsw/index.php?title=Category:Warder_Bios


Please make sure you are in there, if not I need a link to your bio or you will not find your way into the database.  I'm not searching for anyone's bio.  (If someone has the time to compare what is in the wiki and what is on the bio board and give those things fine but I'm not searching, I already did enough work :P)


If there are changes to your bio that need to be made please EMAIL ME (matalina@gmail.com) with those changes. 


Here is a list of things that need to be changed at this point.


1. All Trainees from WS 7 to 8 need to be moved to Tower Guard status.

2. An active member list will be created and used for tacking purposes. 



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A whole bunch of us responded to your other thread here with the links to our bios.  I don't see any of those bios on the site.


Here is Perivar's bio


Only changes I can think of:


1) His horse is named Nightdancer, for some reason I typed it as Aldieb. *shrugs* (I don't think Moiraine's small little mare will work for him :)  )


2) He was shorter when he was 16, he has grown since coming to the Tower.  He is now roughly 6'0" though I don't know if this is something we worry about.

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depends on what needs correcting... if it's just stats just the changes.  If it's the bio the bio part of it full swing so I don't have to do a swearch... unless it's just an addon then just emal me it saying to add it att he end.



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