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Saidin and Mind Control


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When confronted by a Drahkar, Rand is unaffected because he is holding Saidin. I believe the same affect shields him from the full force of a Myrdraal's gaze. In addition, Alanna can't compel him with the bond, and I believe Demandred says once when threatened with compulsion, "such tricks don't work on those holding the Power."


However, when Moiraine is attacked by a Drahkar, she embraces Saidar before releasing it and succombing to the shadowspawn's call. Also, Greandal uses compulsion on Moggy while Moggy is still holding the Power.


So, does Saidin protect channelers from Mind Control in a way Saidar doesn't? Or is this an error?

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No, thats true--though it was Sammael that stated it, not Demandred--specifically in LoC, 'threads of woven shadow' he contemplates Graendal's tendency to use compulsion, and holds on to saidin thinking to himself that 'those tricks did not work on a man wrapped in saidin'.


In addition to the issues with women, we also see Moghedian compel Nynaeve and Elayne whilst they held saidar.


Ultimately the result is this; men wrapped in saidin cannot be compelled or influenced, but women holding saidar can. My guess is that it has to do with the chaotic nature of saidin, and the subsequent nessasary strong mindset of a man holding it versus the smooth tranquility of saidar, and the submissive mindset of a woman holding it.

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I'm with Luckers on this one.  My take was essentially the same:


In order to hold Saidin, a man must fight it every inch of the way.


In order to hold Saidar, a woman must surrender to it.


Compulsion is essentially forcing your own will on someone else.  As a man fights Saidin with every inch of his being, a woman does the opposite while embracing Saidar.  One is holding the door shut, the other is leaving it wide open.  I think that fits in with the nature of compulsion and mind bending creatures like Drakaar, and is the reason that one is affected whilst the other is not.

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