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Q & A with the Black Tower DL


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tsk...men makes better bakers, you all got more force to put into kneeding that bread dough...makes better more airy breads ;) when the dough been properly kneed


whats your favorite movie?


have you played wow board game?

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Does this miniskirt make me look fat?

What's a miniskirt? IE I know better than to answer a question like this


Now that you've conquered the Black Tower, what does that mean for your allies? *coughBandcough*

ummm sounds like you have a nasty cold.  Here take this root, boil it for about one hour then drink the contents.  You might feel a bit drowsy but forkroot usually does that people.

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Seggy, I have to ask. Why in the Light were you wearing a hoop skirt?

Well you see, I was at the TarValon.net's pantless party at Dragon*Con since Kathana wasn't there (she had to work the next day and I was hanging out with some friends).  To get into the party, you can't be wearing pants.  So I wore Kathana's hoop skirt.  (<.< I had on my pj pants shhhh! >.>)


Either that or the Taint got me, I'm not sure.


can you make me a ter'angreal that produces clothes? if it can make fancloth that would be even better

Sure, but do you have enough funds to get it?  The Farm needs some construction done and it isn't really a farm so I need money!

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Seggy, I have to ask. Why in the Light were you wearing a hoop skirt?

Well you see, I was at the TarValon.net's pantless party at Dragon*Con since Kathana wasn't there (she had to work the next day and I was hanging out with some friends).  To get into the party, you can't be wearing pants.  So I wore Kathana's hoop skirt.  (<.< I had on my pj pants shhhh! >.>)


Either that or the Taint got me, I'm not sure.


Would horrible things happen if I posted the picture of you in said hoop skirt?

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not unless i sacrafise the potential of going to con next year, in which case i dont need the ter'angreal :P anymore cause then i dont need it to help produce a damn custom i am geting an idea will be rather hard to produce...so i guess i'll just setle for dreadlady then...and be evil...muhahaha


which means i wont need to bring any of Q's pointy things...hm...oh well i'll just get drunk, then if he goten it back by then i can steal his hat, and i can hide under that and run around stealing your pointy things or maybe someone elses when i try to remember my puny fencing course...thats ok right? :D drunk 'stealing' is fun...oooo so is throwing pop corn


hey do you make popcorn on con? can you make kath have popcorn on the menu next year at con if i show up?



ploting nightmares

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