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Change in WS Advancement reqs?

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So.... while I was explaining to my husband that only two of my electives count towards my WS and confusing him horribly, I brought up the Warder Advancement page for him and found, much to my amazement, that it had been changed from 2 possible electives to 4 possible electives.


For real?  Like, yeah?  Because that would be absolutely awesome and it would free me from trying to stick in the mounted archery contest in our Merry Band trip that has very quickly turned a bit too serious for a random arms contest to feel particularly... logical.


This change is very win and I whole-heartedly approve. :D  Someone with power let me know if I can take the changes on the website to be in effect and can go update my WS to 5 and then send off my final steps. ^_^



(This completely doesn't change my willingness to raise Jasine along with Perivar and Melenis in a joint ceremony, it's just really nice to be done with the required stuff)

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So I have this phobia about starting new threads or something, so I figured I'd stick this in here.


I wanted to ask about reporting reqs as done.  Can we do this as soon as we have the minimum post requirements met?  I have several threads that I intend to use for WS increases that aren't completed yet, but have well surpassed the post reqs, one of which is the trip thread to Andor with the whole group.  So far, I hadn't claimed any requirements until the thread had closed and finished, regardless of when it got to the right post count, but I wanted to clarify this.


I suppose this is a Mat question, since she's in charge of the TG advancement.


(Speaking of Advancement, it's spelled wrong on this page down at the bottom in the links)

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