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No Tropic Thunder thread? What the hell?


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A friend of mine got advanced screening passes through his work, so a group of us went last night. Since it isn't officially released for a few weeks, I'll give a spoiler free review.


The gist of the story is that Hollywood is producing the "ultimate" war movie. They've tapped an A list cast, including a fading action star who wants to transition to serious movies, a comedian most famous for his fart jokes, a rapper, and a deep method actor who refuses to break character at any point in the filming. The director, after realizing that his stars are too concerned with their product placements and Oscar chances to fully immerse themselves in the story, decides to take them "off the grid" and shoot the movie documentary style. The actors run afoul of a gang of dangerous heroin smugglers, who assume the heavily armed actors are DEA agents. Wackiness ensues.


This movie is hilarious and very daring. Yes, Robert Downy junior is in blackface for most of the movie. However, it's treated as the completely ridiculous stunt that it is. For me, the real treat of this movie is it's unexpectedness. As is a given in a send up of Hollywood movie making, there are lots of celebrity cameos. All of them serve either the story, or the character arcs somehow. It's very organic. Tom Cruise does appear in the movie. It's billed as a cameo, but it'd actually a fairly substantial and hilarious role.


The movie is rated R and it is a HARD R. It is, after all, about making a war movie. Characters die, in gruesome, bloody, hilarious ways. There's lots of filthy, foul language as well.


Definitely check this one out.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Its been out for just as long here, we just didn't see it til Sunday night. Some of us wait a couple of weeks for the theatres to empty out instead going opening day Vem... some of us also have lives and can't always be there for opening day...

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Also, if you look at the date of Kat's post, it was Aug. 1st, so an advanced screening.


I just saw this tonight.  I laughed my ass off.  She's right, it is a hard R.  But I giggled non-stop in amusement and horror.  Especially when Jack Black was tied up to the tree and wanted to be let loose...



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  • 3 weeks later...

It did not exactly make the top of my list, so I did not see it until now.


It is ok. A couple of good laughs here and there, though less than I was hoping for. Damn Kat for raising my expectations ;D


My favourite thing is definitly Tom Cruise with a balding head and a fatsuit. Absolutely brilliant ;D

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