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Intro to Saidar - Class 2: First Touch


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Larindhra waited behind her weave of Folded Light for the last novice to seat herself, then used flows of Air to slam the window shutters closed, eliciting a few gasps and squeaks from the girls. Now the only light in the classroom came from the candles in the wall sconces, but those were snuffed out easily, plunging the room into total darkness.  She waited a few moments, allowing the shrieks to quieten down, before creating several large Globes of Light, spacing them evenly around the room. A simple trick, but the room was filled with oohs and aahs. Finally she dissolved the weave behind which she had been hiding and stepped forward, to the pop-eyed amazement of her class.


“Impressive, wasn’t it? Would you like to learn how to do that?” Eager nods swept around the class, which had been the whole point.  No need to tell them that most of the weaves were simple and easily done: the show had them all sitting up and paying attention, Selene practically bouncing in her seat. “Well, before you can do those, you first need to learn how to open yourself to the Source. Shall we start?” More eager nods and ”Oh yes Larindhra Sedai’”s echoed around the room. Smiling, she reached down for the basket filled with roses she had picked earlier, and started handing them out. Red roses, of course. “You are wondering why each of you gets three roses.  Note that they are in the three stages of development: a closed bud, a half-open one, and a fully open one.  I want you to study each one, until you can see them with your eyes closed, every single petal.


She walked slowly back to the front of the class and sat down, waiting a few minutes as each girl studied the flowers before her.  “Just as the bud opens its petals to allow the warmth of the sun to suffuse it, so you will learn to open yourself to the light of Saidar.  Close your eyes, breath in … hold that breath … now breath out slowly … breath in… that’s right, you are all doing well.  Now, every time you breath out, I want you to imagine your muscles relaxing – a little more every time you breath out.“ Larindhra repeated the simple exercise until they all looked totally relaxed and almost asleep. “Now imagine yourself as the bud. Allow your petals to open, slowly … ever so slowly … allow the warmth and light in …” Larindhra let her voice drone on, soothing and low, all the while watching them with a hawk’s eye in case one actually managed to touch the Source. Where one managed that, she stepped close to the girl and talked to her in a low voice so as not to disturb the concentration of the others.


Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices


OOC: Write about your character’s actions, reactions, struggles – is she able to touch the Source? If so, your “homework” will be to find out how Larindhra would guide her if she does that, then rp it here. And no, you can’t ask me ooc  ;D

If she doesn’t manage it, then rp about her struggles to do so – you may even ask your Mentor if she’s willing to do a private lesson with you, and make that part of your Meet your Mentor req. Above all, stretch those RP muscles and be creative!


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Sarena strolled into the classroom with Selene, they were surprised to find that they were the first to class. This was going to be the first time all the other novices feel the warmth of saidar for the first time, of course Sarena had already experienced that feeling having already studied this class before but Larindhra Sedai had told her that she must do these classes again as she would be out of practice. Taking a seat next to Selene she got her notebook out, Selene knew that she had been a novice before and had already quizzed her on what they would be expecting today.


It didnt take long for the room to fill quickly. Sarena nearly jumed out of her seat when the shutters slammed shut and a small squeal left her when the remaining light was extinguished. She should have expect this, since Larinhra Sedai had done the same thing at their first class. Regaing her composure just as the large globes of light appeared, part of herself couldnt help letting out a gasp of delight. Then from out of nowhere Larindhra Sedai appeared,

“Impressive, wasn’t it? Would you like to learn how to do that?” Sarena found her self nodding vigourously.

“Well, before you can do those, you first need to learn how to open yourself to the Source. Shall we start?” "Oh yes " Sarena said seeming to echo all the other girls at the same time.


Then Larindhra Sedai started handing three red roses out to each girl, “You are wondering why each of you gets three roses.  Note that they are in the three stages of development: a closed bud, a half-open one, and a fully open one.  I want you to study each one, until you can see them with your eyes closed, every single petal."

Sarena had already done a similar exercise before. “Just as the bud opens its petals to allow the warmth of the sun to suffuse it, so you will learn to open yourself to the light of Saidar.  Close your eyes, breath in … hold that breath … now breath out slowly … breath in… that’s right, you are all doing well.  Now, every time you breath out, I want you to imagine your muscles relaxing – a little more every time you breath out.“ Closing her eyes Sarena began picturing the rosebud in her mind, once she had it firm she began picturing the petals opening slowly towards and a soft light began to make the petals glow.

Sarena knew that the soft glow was saidar and she made sure that she didnt lose control of it, not like the first time she tried, she shuddered to think she almost set the desk on fire, by the time the Aes Sedai realised what was going on the desk was already smouldering. Turning her concerntration back to the rosebud she noticed that the glow had gone from the petals. Sighing, as she opened her eyes Larindhra Sedai was standing in front of her with a hint of a smile on her lips. "You exercised good control in opening yourself, but it looked like you were worried about something. Now try the exercise again."

Closing her eyes again she pictured the rosebud again, but as much as she tried she just couldn't do it. Quietly stamping her foot, she scribled down a note that she must ask her Mentor for a few extra lessons. It had been a long week and maybe it was starting to affect her.





Sarena Asnobar

Not giving up that easily




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Selene was glad she had started to become friends with Sarena.  In addition to being her friend, Sarena had been really helpful at letting her know what to expect.  She certainly hadn't expected Larindhra Sedai's entrance, though!  One moment Selene was just sitting there quietly chatting to Sarena and then the next, she was thrown into complete darkness with a started shriek.  Selene wouldn't have described herself as one of those girls who squeal when the candles get blown out, but apparently she was wrong.  The sudden change from bright warm daylight to the thundering boom of the shutters being thrown shut startled her as much as the sudden darkness.


As surprising as the dark had been, Selene shivered when the glowing balls of light seemed to come from nowhere and as one lit up the familiar visage of her Mistress of Novices, Selene's pent up breath released in an awed rush.  That was amazing!  Oh, she knew the stories told about Aes Sedai and the things they could do, but actually seeing it happen was just incredible.


“Impressive, wasn’t it? Would you like to learn how to do that?”


Selene's eagerly murmured "Oh yes ma'am!" was swallowed among the other answers, and it was probably a good thing, too.  She still hadn't gotten the habit of referring to women as Aes Sedai to be second nature and she feared she might have earned a scowl otherwise.  When Larindhra's eyes found Selene she wasn't so sure it had been missed, but at least Larindhra seemed to not be of a mood to issue penance for such an infraction so early in Selene's training.


As she took her roses, Selene fingered the silken petals on the fully open one lightly.  This was what Sarena had been talking about, picturing the roses opening up to the light.  Selene had been practicing it all morning, picturing the opening of the roses, and she hoped she would be able to touch the source today for Larindhra Sedai.  She listened intently at first, but as she began to work on breathing just the right way, Larindhra Sedai's words seemed to melt away.  She still understood them, but it was like it was a faraway thought in her own head rather than an actual voice speaking to her.  She peeked open one eye and saw the Mistress standing right in front of her and closed it again quickly.  She'd just wanted to see what the other novices were doing, but she didn't get a chance to check.


She envisioned the rose.  Not a rose red like the ones the Mistress gave her, but one the soft pink color of a sunrise, or the inside of a shell.  Her Mum had such roses at home, one large but well-tended bush that grew just under the kitchen window.  She loved to watch the flowers come in during the springtime and she focused on that now, the warm light of early spring, bringing life and beauty to the garden. Imagine yourself as the bud. The faraway words were a comfort, guiding her where she needed to go.  She was a bud, closed up tight, just barely touched by the light.  Allow your petals to open, slowly. She unfurled, feeling some part of her relax and spread free, opening.  She felt the warm light play across each of her petals, turning their edges to a glistening gold.  She wanted to soak up very little bit of the sun that she could, and opened herself fuller, drawing it in.  The light was so warm and felt so lovely against her.  She felt more real, more alive than she could possibly have put into words.  The warm voice of guidance was still there, still guiding, but she had ceased to notice it.


She opened herself further, the rose petals spreading wide and then straining to open further, and then was startled by Larindhra's insistent touch on her shoulder and the fiercely whispered words, "Let go child, you're drawing too much in!"


The light was gone from her and as her eyes sprung open, she felt like the whole room was still cast into darkness.  She could barely even see the Mistress, she seemed so far away, even though she was quite sure something was shaking her shoulders severely.


Selene's eyes rolled up back into her head and she slumped into her chair as she fainted.





Not nearly afraid enough

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Carina took a seat next to Selene, who was quietly chatting to another novice and let her mind wander off towards the forest she loved so much. Her mind’s eye saw the trailer’s path and she felt herself relax instantly as the familiar meadow came into view. This was her secret spot, the place she went to when the longliness took her from long term exposure to the polite distance she received from the Malkieren household. As she relaxed inwardly a slam, right next to her, had her jumping up from her chair and crouching instantly and instinctively, ready to either take on what would attack her or sprint off, whichever was needed. Suddenly light appeared out of nowhere, as the room started to fill up with these balls of light and as the MoN appeared out of thin air, Carina realised that this was part of the training and took her seat again, not a little embarrassed at her uncontroled reaction.


Every bit as awed as the other novices, Carina felt herself eagerly nodding when the Sister asked if they would want to learn to do that. Wow, she thought, this could allow me to get really close to those skiddish forest elks. They’d never know I was there!! As more and more very cool thoughts popped up in the girl’s head, her enthusiasm for learning how to channel grew by the second. She examined the three roses given to her and quickly had them memorised to the last detail. After all, part of her Ranger training had been to recognise, memorise and being able to draw a large number of plants and vegetation of the forest and meadows. Though she wasn’t a very good artist where drawing was concerned, she could manage well enough to put a plant on paper and make it lifelike.


Letting the Sister’s voice guide her, Carina started on the breathing exercise and as her muscles relaxed, once more she saw her beloved meadow. This time full of all sorts of flowers, all of them still budding. She focussed in on one of the flowers, a beautiful red rose, and watched how it stretched out and opened up to the warmth of the sun that was gently carressing everything around, including Carina. She allowed the light to fill her and the warmth to seep into her bones. But eventhough she could feel it, she still felt detached from it all. As a spectator rather than a participant. A pressure on her shoulder made her aware of another presence and a soft voice called to her. "Don’t force it, Child. Let it come naturally. Let the warmth and the light find it’s way, don’t force it in." The pressure on her shoulder let off and Carina relaxed even more. Enjoying the view, the feeling, but the promise that beckoned just out of reach, never reached her.


Carina opened her eyes and looked a bit crestfallen, for that promise had been so wonderful. She lowered her eyes and spotted her notes from the other class she’d taken. The feeling of Saidin is addictive, controle is necessary, discipline a must. Those notes now made much more sense to her and she re-examined the severity of their meaning. Taking it to heart at last. For if this is how she felt without even touching it, how much more will it engulf her once it did? Carina recognised the danger now in truth and immediately vowed to herself to do whatever she must to avoid falling in the trap of channeling too much.


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