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Loraine Sedai, Master Kynwric, Mistress Thera and her merry band of trainees


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Ok I left an opening for Anluan to be the hero or for someone else to step up to the plate.  I fear that Perivar's little mishap will make him too late to dispatch the attacker allowing someone else to grab the glory.  ;)

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Well Perivar will not be the hero yet he is not done yet.  He has a score to settle which may or may not land him in hot water though he has to wait on the outcome of the dying whitecloak vs Anluan or Jasine if it goes that way.  I guess we have to wait for Arath to decide Anluan's fate.

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I figured Jasine and Anluan would work together for it, but I didn't know if they wanted the Whitecloak dead - since they killed the other one.


Well I think Mistress Thera already dispatched the injured whitecloak in front of you and Anluan.  The only question now is whether or not the whitecloak was able to catch Anluan off guard and cause him any harm.


The three who got in Perivar's way are still alive though Perivar has plans for the one with the broken nose.  That leaves two of the whitecloak symphathizers for questioning.  I can't write Perivar's part until I know for sure if something happened to Anluan.  Perivar needs the whitecloak's sword for his part though he obviously couldn't retrieve it without knowing Anluan's fate.  Should we just assume that he lives for now since we have plenty of time ahead of us?  We still have to go to the Palace then to the source of the troubles unless we are planning on wrapping it up here?

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Here's what I am thinking, wrap this scene and head to the palace, after which we will wrap this part of the story up.


Start a new thread and head for Amadacia, that way those who need this for Reqs have it and we can move on with the RP without holding anything up.


Sound good?

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Yep... I was thinking just that thing.


I still need a Leadership Req though... *mutters*


I may even make this three threads... so that I can use part of it for the Leadership Req... I have an idea... *grins evilly*


Or I may not...

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I understand that OOC they may have their reqs complete and be ready to move on. The problem is that IC they are still trainees and cannot be raised to Tower Guards while they are out of the Tower.


What we can do is if no one has used this as a req to become TG, I can't remember if anyone did.... we can play it out under the assumption that they had just be raised to TG before leaving the Tower and this was a training mission. 

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Possibly. I know Jasine and Melenis pretty much have more than enough threads to make it to WS 6, and it'd only make sense for the Yards to send out newly raised TG's on a mission with more experienced Warders and an Aes Sedai to see if they are found capable to protect a bonded Aes Sedai of their own.


In a way, it'd be similar to what Accepted go through. Didn't they get the extra heavy treatment for the first couple of weeks after being Raised, to weed out any Novices that made it through the Arches when they weren't yet ready to become Accepted? For TGs, a similar test would be even more important because the life of an Aes Sedai depends on it.

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*smiles* I am glad you brought this up. I think it is a better idea to have it happen after they were raised anyway.


I don't think any old posts need to be edited (unless there is someone crazy enough to go through 10 pages ;)) But from here on out we can assume they are already TG's unless someone has an issue with it.

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alright, my person take on this is that since the thread started while we were trainees we can't use it as a TG req, and we RPed being trainees in the thread. *shrug* I think that doing another thread can't hurt you anyway ;) But the Lord and Master has spoken, so I guess that it counts *shrug* works for me


Oh, and I'm sorry people, but I promise that I'll post either tomorow or friday

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*laughs* I am just trying to work with everyone because not everybody loves posts as much as we do *winks at Talavin*


Please discuss this amongst yourselves. But to make it clear if you want to say that you began the thread as a trainee then it cannot count as a TG req. *nods*


I wanted to make it more clear  ;D Everyone needs to decide together which way it will be. It cannot split down the middle. Either you all are TG's or all Trainee's

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