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Need help with a Req


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Well all of my classes have been electives which is fine because I like taking all the classes for the RP.  However I will still need 1 Req to advance, so if anyone is interested I need some perticipants for Evalutation, Conflicts, Challenge, Responsibility, or Survival.


The only idea I have so far is to possibly continue Perivar's conflict with Mistress Thera over his extreme position on honor and serving penances for minor infractions where others wouldn't think twice.  In order to  properly serve the Tower and his Aes Sedai should he ever be bonded, he is going to have to realize that he will have to deal with insults to his honor as well as learning not to ask for penances to right his honor everytime he has done something wrong. 

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Well, I'll help if you want it...


For evaluation, that one is simple. It is merely a evaluation of your skills. It would probably involve a trip outside the Tower.


For Conflict, well, there's lots of ways to solve conflict. We'd have to find someone else to participate. This would not be my first choice.


For Challenge, well Kyn is always up for a challenge, be it drinking, fighting, runnning, riding... pick something Perivar would be good at and we could see where it would go.


For Responsibility, I would again suggest a trip outside Tar Valon, perhaps you are accompanying Lor and I on a trip where you have been tasked by somneone else to deliver a message or package to someone near where we are travelling.


For Survival it would definitely mean a trip outside the tower. I've been toying with a trip to Amador and this would provide you with the opportunity to test your skills in combat while Kyn and Lor take care of some family business of Kyn's. It would likely involve at least one member of the White Ccoaks as well.


If any of that floats your boat, or you have suggestions of your own I'm game.

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I have been trying to work on advancing Thera lately and I am sure Kynwric wouldn't mind the help.


Maybe we could work out a little feild trip for all the trainee's that could count for Kynwric and I as well. Let me think on it.

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Thanks Kyn, a trip outside the tower seems like a great idea if you and Loraine Sedai don't mind me tagging along.  A little conflict with the White Cloaks sounds like fun and would be a little more involved than the other choices.


Thanks again!




We were typing at the same time Eqwina.  The more the merrier just let me know what you think we could all take part in.  A group trip outside the Tower would be a nice change of pace for all I believe.

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Thera's welcome to come along as well, I am looking at something to fulfill my 'Leadership' and 'Wake Up Call' reqs. as I need those to finish off my 'Guardian' levels. Well, along with the 'Blademaster', but it needs to be last.



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I want to go on a field trip!  Jasine's never been anywhere except for the trip to the Tower, and it would be nice to get him a little more worldly knowledge in general before he was made Tower Guard.


I need two of the ones listed here myself, since I started at ws1 and have taken a ton of electives and that's it.  Eqwina had said something about seeing if Jasine's interactions with her Accepted could wind up counting for one of the reqs, depending on where the story went, but if Jasine took a different course for that we wouldn't have to feel forced into pushing the two of them into a conflict or challenge of some sort.


I'd personally be fond of an evaluation done by a warder, or the challenge.  Jasine is exceptionally good at horseback riding and little else.  Unless smiling counts as a skill. 

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Smiling only counts if it is at a girl... the nice thing is, on a field trip we can do several different Reqs at once all in the same thread, there's plenty of opportunity for everything. It is all in how you describe what you are doing, so everyone could get what they were after while all getting some RP time in with multiple PC's.

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plenty of opportunity for everything
... which includes smiling, Quis. ;) Jasine should be fine! *laughs*


and yay! Lor and her band of Merry Men (and Women) are going to play with White Cloaks! *smirks* ya'll aren't going to let me have ANY fun, are you? *pouts*

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*bows* Thanks Kynwric and Loraine for allowing a bitter old MoT and here trainee's to tag along. *winks*


Quisalas- I would still like to work out the thing with Kabria and such.



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Perivar, need to post one more time in the Training with a Warder thread to finish it off, when you get the chance.


Sorry I'm confused, your OOC comments said I was done and to post it in my progess?  Kynwric already dismissed Perivar, is there something specific that I am supposed to post for him?

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