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Your Character Type

Guest Celes

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Guest Celes

What can I say, I'm interested what you have to say on this, so a repost to this board was in order. ;)


If you were to define your character, what would be some of the keywords? For instance, is your character a party animal or someone who likes to have a quiet night with a book. Is your character the type to lead a group of men and women, or the type to follow a leader and support the group. Is your character a strong arm or a tactical thinker? Is it important for your character to be involved with people, or is he/she a loner? Romance/Duty are those keywords for your character?


In short, what diversity do we have in the Yards and especially for those of you who have played their character for a while now (not to discriminate anyone who just started, but character development usually takes a few RP's) can you put some keywords on your character?


There are no right or wrong answers here, I'm just interested in the human side of your character, a little less in his or her quality with weapons.



Lyv Tylin:

Bouncy, happy, a follower rather than a leader, a support to those she likes, not very organised, follows her heart more often than her head and is a party girl, though she has been known to study tactics for a while. Might also be an excuse to nap off in the Library for a few hours.

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This could change as i write more but for now:


Quiet, Reserved, Leader, Loyal, Determined, Empathic. He is very focused--likes to train, study, swim, and help his teammates train. So focused on those he rarely does anything else. This will probably change as the character grows but for now that's all he'll allow himself to do.

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Guest Celes

Of course it could, as your character is a work in progress. :) But it's nice to see where he started off, where he is now and to see where he'll go from here.

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Morgan Trelend


An idealist at heart, if slightly pessimistic, Morgan's a feeler to the bone and unapologetic. She is a prideful woman, but terribly insecure (as much because of physical injury as emotional). In spite of a shadowy past, she is a good soul trying to find her place in this big, scary world.

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Well.. since I just posted my first Rp with Sana, i'm sure this will change quite a bit before i'm done:P For now, here goes:


The best word to describe Sana is probably easy-going. Light hearted. Fun. Curious. Loves to learn and try new things. Neither a leader or a follower, someone who goes his own way. Secure in himself and his place in the word. Looking for something to dedicate himself too (even if he doesn't realize it :)

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  • 1 month later...

Mors is simple to define. Determined. He is determined to earn everything that was denied him due to his father's infidelity. Being a bastard child, raised with a noble's expectations, he feels he must prove to the world he is indeed worth what was denied him.


And so, learning from and becoming a Warder is one of the best ways to do that... at least, he'd prove it to the White Tower, which makes thrones tremble... :wink:


Anyways, overall personality wise besides determination, he's friendly, yet sometimes formal. he can be co-erced into parties, but does not seek them, nor does he seek much besides self betterment. Occasionally he breaks this usual facade of his, and be more a normal boy, but overall he tries much to hard to act the part of a noble.

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Dorian is, well, not a strong personality type. He's friendly, enjoys a bit of fun, bit is fairly reserved, a follower, keeps out of trouble, and always tries to to the right thing. He is the kind to grumble about a task but give it everything he's got until its done. Kinda on the wimpy side, I guess :wink:

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  • 3 weeks later...



One word can sum him up. Loner. He doesn't trust anyone and prefers to keep to himself. He has amnesia so he doesn't know who he his. Due to his lack of trust he hasn't told anyone about his lack of memory. He likes to drink ALOT when he can, to simply forget how much he's forgot. He's dedicated to his training as his sword is his only connection to his past life. he has a generally cold or synical nature towards everyone and everything. Lack of trust means he dislikes following but the same goes for leading. as it currently stands his enrolemnt in the tower is merely a means to an end.


He has one virtue though. He has a good heart. He feels compelled to help & protect those who need it.

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the word to describe him...tenacious...he will follow his duty to the utmost of his ability..a stauch ally to his friends and a scourge from hell to his enemies. Everything he does he puts everything he has into..above and beyond the call of duty.


Llugh of the Strong Arm

Tower Guard

Master of Path of the Blade

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Guest Arie Ronshor



two words - Borderline Skitso! Fun, playful, but has a very small comfort zone. As long as no one steps in it than you are safe. So far, only two have survived. Aran and Daemon, but only becuase they dared.


not sure why? Check her Bio on the Gaidin.og! ;)

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Rodrik Hellok


Easy-going, Leader, Comfortable with everyone he meets, until they piss him off. Also drinks alot. He doesn't try to drown himself in ale to get rid of any thoughts, but just because he likes it a lot.Kind of like Jim Morrison. He's going to end up the same, if he doesn't stop, but that's going to be an RP for the future.

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Amoral, fighter, drinker, brawler, mischief maker, troublesome, easy going until he gets angry, Niether a leader or follower, humorous, pretty much marches to his own beat and to hell with anyone that doesn't like it.

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