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I have a question!

Dovan Panrael

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How much more lame is RJ going to make Rand before the Last Battle? I mean, he's missing a hand, can't grasp saidin without getting VERY ill, can't hold onto the Source without LTT fighting him tooth and nail for control, he's been marked by tainted weapons (not once but TWICE!), fighting madness besides all that, is emotionally dead, and is bonded to not one but three women who each make his thoughts clouded (and sometimes LTT's as well, if the humming and earlobe thumbing is any indication).


I was thinking that RJ could do better! I mean how much does Rand really need BOTH legs? How selfish! Using both legs like that! Back in my day, if we lost a hand, it was expected and required that we remove a leg below the knee just to show how bad@$$ we were! That and because the local Peggy's Peg Legs was going out of business and we had to support local dying businesses.


But seriously, though, how am I to believe that Rand is even going to be able make it to the Last Battle much less fight in it? Unless his only purpose for it is to show up and die, I'm finding it rather difficult that he'd be able to fight dreadlords and the Forsaken with the considerable handicaps he's been given! Any opinions or similar worries?


There are varoius rumours and assumptions going around of whats going to happen, but one ive been pondering was of one of Min's viewings of 3 women around rand.


I think this represents something bad happening to him, him getting very sick or something, but I think maybe the 3 girls "Min, Elayne and Avienda(sp)" will help him recover to be storng enough for the last battle

Guest TheDemigod

he will die, and mat will lead the armies at the battle


he will not die, aint it obvious from his insestant: "I will die" routine? Of course it will be exactly the opposite, he'll just get wounded or maybe lose another arm or sometin :P

Guest TheDemigod

maybe he'll lose both arms and legs, and become a cripling

Guest TheDemigod



good job!


I think that in the end Perrin, Mat, Elayne, Min, Avienda, Egwene, and Nynaeve are all going to save him from dying....maybe Nyneave will find someway to resurect people not long dead with the one power...or maybe the Dark One will kill him then someone will balefire his sorry @$$...i mean no one knows except RJ and we can only guess.....


I'm shocked you all, as BTers, have not figured it out. Rand will not die, but LTT will, finally.


It all has something to do with the connection he has with Moridin now, due to the Balefire weaves crossing in Shadar Logoth.


I agree with Hero..

Rand will not die, but LTT will, finally.
I'm thinking that Alivia will kill LTT at SG possibly. I think Mat will lead the armys and Tuon will kneel to Rand or something like her nation will and then rand will die at a ripe old age or at the last battle.

No, Rand will kneel to Tuon...but now how ya'll think. Remember Mat and Tuon are wed. He will do it in that fashion, acknowledging her wedding and congratulating her.

Guest TheDemigod

i try not to think of what will happen


i just read the book and enjoy it there and then :P

Guest TheDemigod

i'm sorry, i'll think about it all th time i promise


*hits Demi with a fish*


But what about the answer that the Eelfin gave him at the Stone of Tear? In book eleven he revealed that he asked them "What do I have to do to survive Tarmon Gaidon?" To which they replied, "To live you must die." So would they pull a Matrim on Rand and revive him via ordinary means of fake CPR?

Guest TheDemigod

hey, you're right!


that MUST be it!


oh and


*kills masterdude*


No what they meant was to live his own life with out LTT, LTT must die. So Min's viewing of Rand dieing, Alivia helping him die, and the Eelfin saying to live he must die are connected! (Well thats what I have figured out anyways but it's all up to RJ). :wink:


Oh ya...*Jumps out of his grave and shoots Demi*


Well, of course they're all connected, but I don't know whether or not they mean that LTT is gonna die in RaT's stead or not. I mean, after what he's been through, and now that he's cleaned the taint from saidin, he and all the other Asha'Man are going to live for quite some time (possibly in excess of a thousand years each)! Would you want to live over a thousand years when you violently gag and get incredibly dizzy every time you grasp the Source, have half a hand and two VERY painful scars on your side? I know I probably wouldn't, but then again, I think human mutilation is one of the most dibillitating and brutal thing another person can do to another.


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