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Diablo III is real!


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Interesting. I feel a bit iffy of a Diablo 3, even though Blizzzard has a great track record. And while Diablo 2 was fun, it was very basic, and sorta seemed like the plot was just thrown on top to give excuse for endless dungeon crawls. Hopefully this new one can do better.

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  • Community Administrator

They elude in the FAQ that the characters are more costumizable. However I don't believe they were refferring to the character models. (unfortunately)

But more along the lines of a 'skill tree' type of costumizability. ;)

I liked D2, it had a story, and it was a dugeon crawl. It was one of the few games, I could play hours on end just crawlin through dugneons. ;)

The Sequal looks like it 'may' be similar, only with more quests thrown in, and a helleva lot better graphics.

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