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Question about Egwene / Delana interaction


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I'm reading book 10 (yes, still, I had to give it to my mum to read because she was waiting for it and i'd rather she read it at her breakneck speed and then go on to book 11 so i can read it at my leisure), and i'm on the part where Egwene has been looking out over the river to Tar Valon. Gareth Bryne has tried to persuade her to Travel him into the city and he says he can 'take it for her'. She refuses.


Anyway, when she returns to her escort, Delana is there and insists on talking to Egwene alone. All she wants to do is to manipulate Egwene into opening up negotiations or talks with Elaida.


Now, we know that whatever comes out of Delana's mouth has actually come out of Halima's mouth but Egwene doesnt.


However I am confused as to Egwene's response. It shows that she knows Delana is trying to manipulate her, and she makes an appearance of going along with it - calls the Council around them and tells Beonin she can start talks with Elaida. But then imposes her own terms - Elaida must go into exile and leave the tower whole, and Beonin faints. Delana goes off and Egwene remarks in her POV that she has 'sown her seed'.


Then the council discuss the situation and it is agreed that they WILL indeed go ahead with negotiations.


I dont get it.


Delana wanted Egwene to begin negotiations, and although to all intents and purposes Egwene seemed to be playing Delana at her own game (seeming to go along with it whilst being aware that it was manipulation), the end result was that she's done what Delana wanted.


Am I missing something? Is it just that whilst yes, they are doing what Halima/Delana wanted, they are aware of it and have the control?


Egweme suspected Dalana wanted to reintegrate the Tower with low costs to the rebels. But that wasn't her goal, she just wanted to sow more dissension. By Egwene's terms, her goal was achieved, whilst Egwene was tricked into thinking she had tricked Dalana.


Essentially, both women got what they wanted. Negotiations that were not really negotiations, and served to sow more hatred against Elaida - in Egwene's case - and the Tower as a whole - in the Darkfriends' case.


I'm reading book 10


You are reading book 10 for the first time- or re-reading?

If you have not yet completed the series, then BEWARE this forum is full of spoilers!!! I didn't come to the forums till I finished all.

Egweme suspected Dalana wanted to reintegrate the Tower with low costs to the rebels. But that wasn't her goal, she just wanted to sow more dissension. By Egwene's terms, her goal was achieved, whilst Egwene was tricked into thinking she had tricked Dalana.


That's not actually accurate. After Delana leaves Egwene discusses what her intentions might have been with her council, and concludes that it could only be to serve the purpose of sowing dissension between the Ajah Heads and the Sitters. Morvrin disagrees, suggesting it might be possible that Delana has an entirely different purpose and simply didn't think through the effects of what she was saying might have.


Nowhere does Egwene think that Delana seeks to integrate the Tower with no loss--she describes Beonin's beautific smile at the prospect, but never Delana--and indeed she doubts Morvrin's idea thinking that the woman required proof for everything, and that the only reason she even concidered it was that she couldn't think of a reason why Delana would want discension.




As for why Egwene allowed the talks to go ahead, it was to buy time so that Kairen could get better at making cuendillar. She was concerned that Rebels might start going back to the Tower, so she allowed it as a show that something was being done in order to satisfy them, and thus allow her the time she needed to enact her own plan.


You are reading book 10 for the first time- or re-reading?

If you have not yet completed the series, then BEWARE this forum is full of spoilers!!! I didn't come to the forums till I finished all.


I've been on the forums (even before I registered with my FIRST account, which I got locked out of  >:( since I was on book 8 for the first time, so I'm quite used to spoilers :-)


I'm on the re-read, although it's so long since I read it I dont remember anything after Mat takes Tuon from the circus.




Gotta agree with Luckers here.


Egwene gets a situation where the most manipulative AS around her think they've maneuvered her into doing what they want.  She puts them off guard by playing the tame Amyrlin.  She knows it'll go nowhere, and be nothing but a time waster.  Meanwhile, with those elements busily engaged in spinning their wheels, she gets to quietly go forward with her own plan.




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