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Training Electives


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I'm up for some Survival classes and others. Have to be after I get back from the WT though. Sent my Gaidan there on his first day! ;) :D


Have to think about the other classes I want for him and get back to you but count me in on a survival class Devon.


Oh, and thanks for volunteering to run some classes! I appreciate it!



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Sounds good to me. Know the question is do we want to do city survival or wilderness survival? They both are good and have their pluses and minuses, but we just need to make a decision. Let me know and I'll get the first post up.

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Well, given that we're all fairly new, and our WS is nothing to write home about, i'd say city survival.


Wilderness survival... No offense, but at our current levels of skill two monkeys and a squirrel would have us all for breakfast ^^;

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Hey, first post is up on the Tar Valon boards. Here is the link http://forums.dragonmount.com/index.php/topic,31214.0.html It's open to all who want their city survival done. Feel free to have as much fun as you want with this one. Since we're in a city we can meet all sorts of people. Funny, scary, drunk, hell, even naked! This is possibly the best training exercise to really free form rp, so have at it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

To all who are participating in this, sorry for the delay. I just want to make sure everyone has posted before I continue, since this is a training mission and not a major rp. It shouldn't take much longer and if it does, I'll just go on. I've never really done group training before so I'm still figuring out the best way to do this. If you have any questions, let me know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, there are a few things we can do. We can have Jasen or one of the watchers take you back to the tower and chew you out. We can have the same two go with you on your tasks, helping you along or finding you a healer. Jasen can try his best to fix the ankle, give you back your weapon to lean upon, and then you go out alone. Or we can just send you out on your own to deal with the pain as best as you can. These are all options, just decide which one you think would be the most fun for you to do.

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Well, Melenis is feeling irritated that she's unable to continue, but believes that under the current circumstances she'd be potentially endangering the 'mission', as it were.


...her actions generally appear to be based on rational thought, and although she'd look out for the people in her group she'd be inclined to leave people behind if it'd increase the chances of success, herself included.


Straight from her Personality section :P


Anyway, i've been in the lucky position of never having sprained my ankle before, so i don't know more about it than 'walking on it would most likely hurt'. Melenis' main concern is not attracting the attention of thugs looking for an easy mark, if Jasen could give her a few pointers on how to avoid getting jumped despite her limp, she'd be able to finish the mission after Jasen does what he can for her ankle. The WT has healers to finish the job anyway.

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