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Mentor Please

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Well we don't really do mentors here but I can try and help.


First, did you get your bio approved? And has Eqwina sent you your welcome letter yet?


It has links to various important boards with lots of info on the DIV and RPing your Warder. We all start as Trainees and the first thing to do is post an Intro thread in the Warders Yard, found in the RP section below the DIVs. Put ATTN:Eqwina on it in the subject field.


There is also a link to the main Warer info page in Eqwina's post on what Warders need to know before joining. That helps a lot.


If you have any more questions feel free to ask them here and  many people will respond and try and help. You can also PM Eqwina and she'll answer as soon as she can.


One last thing, the WT/WY ORG gives mentors but if you really want one here I'm sure we can PM Eqwina with the ideal. I'm sure she would be willing to start assigning mentors. Until then I will be more then happy to assist you.



Gaidan Hatori, Trainee of the Warders DIV


P.S. Going to the doctors soon, be back in a few hours, I'm sure someone else will help while I'm gone. ;)

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We do not use the mentor system anymore Kross. I was just about to direct a post to you, and another new (soon to be) trainee Jame.


I am leaving the country later today and will be gone a week. Any questions you have in that time can be directed to Corwin my ADL or devon.


Normally you would begin with an intro post with the Mistress of Trainee's, but since that is me feel free to go ahead with your training and we can begin when I get back. :) In the mean time take a look at the reqs!! http://www.aliciawilkerson.com/warders/?page_id=18


If you really want to begin your intro I am around off and on for the next several hours so I should have time for a response or two :D

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Well, if your character's called Jame Marrov you just got yourself posted and CC'd, making you eligible for participating in Warder Yard RP threads.


Aside from that, what Syl said. With the addition that your intro thread would start on the point where you're on your way to the White Tower (that's where the grounds are) and end up at the Mistress of Training to get your name written in the Trainee records.

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We got rid of mentors for a few reasons. A lot of times when we used mentors new trainee's really didn't interact as much with everyone else. That and often times we would pair up a mentor and trainee who posted with different regularity, leaving someone always feeling like they were playing the hurry up and wait game.


Both devon and Corwin are more than willing to start taking classes and helping out, and of course I am always more that willing to help. Just let us know what you need and we are there.



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*Snuggles and nuggles the MoT*

Thanks hun! Oh and maybe I should change my name since our fearless leader keeps typing it Sylviric. ;)


Where'd you go Kross? I really will help even if you don't get a mentor! We even get people like our beloved Raeyn hepling us! :D


*Eyes the MoT*


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