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Attention Whites or Avalonshroud


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*giggles uncontrollably*


*clears throat*


Erm. Sorry, just had an image in my head of Tae being asked to be Ajah Head once again......*muah*


In all reality, if we'd rather have a PC char playing the head, I would be willing.  The only thing I never liked about being Head Ranter and Raver ( :D ) was that Tae's bound to the Tower by that, not such a huge deal, unless Mari would like to go 'xplorin'.

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Ok sweetie here is the application, go ahead and PM it to me. *G*


Application : White Ajah Head


Name : 


Age : 


How long have you RPed at DM?


How long have you been RPing all over?


What kind of IC positions have you held on this site or others?


What do you think our expectations of you are?


Do you have any leadership experience at DM or RP in general (references)? 


What sort of plans would you have for the character you wish to play? If you are applying for an OOC position, what ideas do you have for the division and your ajah? 


What are your talents (ie website building skills, spreadsheets, graphics, etc)? None, I stink at computer techie stuff



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