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^ character image, for referrence


Handle: Jehaine


Character Name: Jehaine


Email address: amyante[at]hotmail[dot]com


Aspiring Society: Far Dareis Mai


Weapons of Choice: Spear


Clan (Dragonmount or Shaido): Dragonmount


Physical Description:


Like most Aiel, Jehaine is pretty tall, standing at 6 ft 3 and weighing roughly 136 pounds. She has red hair, falling down to her shoulders in length, and blue eyes. She has a fair skin, which is tanned from her years spent in the Waste. It should be noted that she has more stamina than the average Aiel due to the amount of punishments she has been given due to her disorder -- more on this later.


As far as clothing is concerned, she wears -- surprise, surprise -- a brown and gray cadin'sor. Her boots are made from the skin of an animal she had killed herself, and despite it being a relatively easy thing for an Aiel to do she is nevertheless proud of it. Though she actually prefers to just wear her shoufa around her neck, leaving her head free, the Waste is not as agreeable, forcing her to keep the garment wrapped around her head as well during the day.


Place of Birth/Raising: Chareen clan, White Mountain sept.




Jehaine is optimistic and carefree, and if there is one word that would fit her best it would be 'impulsive'. She is quite clever in terms of knowledge, but tends to be forgetful and easily distracted in general, though she tries to make up for it by overly concentrating on what she's supposed to remember. This can be blamed on being born with the Asperger Syndrome*, as well as a mild case of ADHD**, though either of those would be unknown to the people of the Third Age.


Despite being socially inept, she likes to try out new things, which more often than not lands her in trouble as these 'new things' generally involve ignoring existing instructions in favor of her own. Because of all of this, she has developed a good amount of insecurity and self-esteem issues, though she tries to be empathic to others.


On a more positive note, her perception is excellent, and the unprecedented amount of punishments she's been forced to do gave her a degree of stamina that's well above the average Maiden. She has no problem coming up with new ideas, though that would only be a small consolation when keeping in mind that she couldn't follow an organised plan to save her life.


Character History:


Jehaine was born as the daughter of a Maiden who hadn't given up the spear. As such, her true parents are unknown to her, though given that this was fairly common among the Maidens it didn't strike her as odd. During her younger years, she liked being around children one or two years younger than her to play games with, though socially interacting with children her age (or older) still proved to be a problem.


Either way, her introvert nature gave her plenty of time to spend on her studies, and as a result she became one of the top students of the group of children she was taught reading and math in. Not quite feeling comfortable around others, she could be found reading books whenever she could get her hands on one, though of course, being Aiel, training with the spear took up most of her time as it was. 

In a strange way, she enjoyed fighting. It helped her clear her mind, and not think about the things she was supposed to say or do, wondering if they'd make people feel uncomfortable. When someone would have said her spears and her books were the only friends she had, it wouldn't be too far from the truth. Still, she was a fast student, and it seemed almost certain she'd end up joining the Maidens despite her relatively young age of sixteen years.


The trials were hard, as could be expected in the Waste, but she managed to think -- and fight -- her way through them with reasonable ease. After all, the trials didn't test someone's social skills, for which she was grateful, and she wasn't familiar enough with people doing her favors enough to be held back by lack of them. Though her elders were a little doubtful on whether she'd make a good Maiden, her results in the Trials balanced out her punishment record enough to at least give her a chance, despite the betting of the other candidates that she'd be made gai'shain within the first two weeks.



fix the weigth she is 30 kg underweigth for her heigth she wont be figthing at the weigth but in a sickbed to weak to get up, the weigth should be around 200 pounds


adhd should make her sort of have problem siting still and be half unruly, these kids normaly due to this would have school problems wouldnt they?


Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)' date=' is a neurobehavioural developmental disorder[1'] [2] [3] affecting about 3-5% of the world's population under the age of 19[4]. It typically presents itself during childhood, and is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity, as well as forgetfulness, poor impulse control or impulsivity, and distractibility.[5][


further i dont see how aspergers would fit well with maiden, while being hyper is something that dont limit battle, it seems to me that aspergers would be limiting in that a figther need to be on top bodily to control their motions and whatnot while figthing


Asperger syndrome is named after Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger who' date=' in 1944, described children in his practice who lacked nonverbal communication skills, failed to demonstrate empathy with their peers, and were physically clumsy.



Umm... first off, the weight:




That's the site i always use for height to weight ratios, and for 16 year old girls 136 pounds is listed as being in the 20th percentile, listed as 'In Normal Range'. I can change it if you want, just figured i'd mention it isn't all that odd ^^;


As for the disorders... Actually, that was the idea. Aiel is something people are born as, not like the Warders or the Band which you apply for and are tested for combat value before joining.


As for the Asperger, yes, i know about the clumsyness, more specifically because i have Asperger myself ^^;. The main point is, she could still be a Maiden, just not a very good one. I'd say WS 10 is about the extent of her capabilities (and that would still be pushing it) and i'm perfectly happy with that limitation as i never intended her to be a melee goddess.


Simply put, you could say i'm making a (below-)average Maiden on purpose ^^;


On a sidenote, i'm playing with the idea to have her be tested as having the ability to channel during the course of the RP, which would negate the need to reach high WS levels in the first place. But that's something to decide after i see how she works out ^_^


the general rule as i know it is take your heigth in meter, withdraw 100, and you got the avarage weigth your suposed to be at +/- pending body build, one can always say that she havent filled out proper like but acording to that rule its 30 kg's underweigth which is a lil much


how many girls is over 1.90 though heigth wise


the weigth would be in the normal range yes for a girl in the 1.60 or 1.70's (if thin)


I don't really want to step in....but since it's not a WoT issue... lol...

I don't know who told you that Ata, but that's not true.


Firstly what they say is that you take off between 110 to 120.

So if you're 1.90 meter high, you're supposed to weigh between 70 to 80 killos.

And adding from personal experience, I have a friend that is around 1.74 and she weighs 52 kilos. And she's not even skinny. so...  :P


So, Jehaine... make it 156 pounds and you've got yourself a deal ;)






I assume you people meant centimeters there. Height in meters -110 would definitely make her look skinny ^^;


But sure, i'll add a couple of pounds then. Odd though, never heard of that -110 thing before, and the site i linked to uses the scale of the CDC.


Oh wells.

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