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Battlefield: Bad Company Beta


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  • Community Administrator

As some of you 360 owners know, The Battlefield: Bad Company beta has started. Fileplanet, is all out of public keys, and are now only giving away a limited number of members keys.

So, Any 360 Gold Members at Seanchan, want to compete for a free beta key?


You have to be

A) Gold Member,

B) Not already in the beta,

C)And you would like to compete for the key.


IF only one person wants to compete, its yours.

Depending on the number of people who qualify, or want to try out the beta (and aren't already in it), depends on the type of contest. If its two people, it could be a battle of skill or knowledge, or just plain luck.

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  • Community Administrator

Link me.  I don't understand what competing means but I am a gold member and have never been part of a beta... well... Halo3... so I have been... errr... Link me.


I have 1 key, that key can be given to anyone who has a gold account to play the beta.

you would be competing with anyone else who signs up for the key. Meaning 2+ people fight over 1 key.

(You can't play the game, with out the key)

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  • Community Administrator

You don't sign up anywhere (unless you have a fileplanet Premium account, then just go to Fileplanet and you can obtain your own key)

Escentially I'm giving MY key away. I don't have a 360, so I'm giving you 360 owners, a free key, and I can escentially play god over fate of who obtains the ky. ;)

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  • Community Administrator

I wouldn't go too far with your price.  I don't care THAT much.


It might be along the lines of what Barms had to do, except more along the lines of, saying a word or phrase at the end of every sentence of your posts, or saying you worship your god, SD; at the end of your posts for a week. ;)

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