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Enter the Storm (Jerinia's intro - attn: MoN)


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Though the line of refugees originally leaving Malkier was moving slowly, things began running more smoothly once Jerinia and her mother had left the Borderlands, heading further south. The line had subsided into several pockets of refugees that had started spreading out to other countries they had relatives in, and the two women joined up with one such group heading for Murandy. They wouldn't be traveling with them that far, of course, but then again most of the people in the current group wouldn't.


Still, after several days of walking with whatever posessions they managed to salvage before leaving, this particular group passed through Tar Valon, which was where they said their farewells to the others. Jerinia didn't seem to notice much of what was going on in the Northlands, she believed her father would beat back the Trolloc hordes and be waiting for her when she became a full Aes Sedai.


Jerinia marveled at the tall white tower that had given the White Tower its name. Sure, in her eyes it couldn't light a candle (no pun intended) to the Seven Towers of the Malkieri capital, though in its defense it should be said that she was somewhat biased about the matter herself...


She made her way to the witing line, shifting her balance from one foot to the other as she tried to contain her enthousiasm long enough to not try to plow through the appealers. There were many different people, it seemed. Some were sick, or cripple, and came for healing. Others were nobles with fancy clothing, maybe seeking advice. A few other girls her age were there as well, probably to become Aes Sedai themselves.


After a couple of hours of trying to look past the waiting line, guessing the reasons why the other people present would be at the White Tower and a large number of 'I Spy' games with her mother, the two eventually made their way to the gates, where one of the guards was writing down names and reasons for the visit. Her mother told the man that they'd come for Jerinia to be tested, to which he nodded and checked an unseen box on his paper.


Unfortunately, the girl had been restraining her enthousiasm and excitement for a couple of hours now. As soon as the guard had dismissed them, she darted forward to the first woman she had seen. Having never seen an Aes Sedai up close, she failed to recognise the shawl around the woman's shoulders, the ring on her finger or the ageless look on her face as she looked down, raising an eyebrow at the person who had grabbed her sleeve all of a sudden.


- "S'cuse me miss, but where do i go to become an Aes Sedai?" ;D

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Lillith unconsciously tightened her shawl about her shoulders as she walked back to the Tower.  She had been in town putting her annual wages in the bank, and had hoped the relative cold would have kept people inside, instead of crowding the streets.  <i>"No such luck,"</i> she thought to herself, <i>"This town is always too crowded, too full of humanity..."</i>


She shook her head; such thoughts were moot.  Tar Valon would always be crowded, though for all the White Sister thought on it, she couldn't understand <i>why</i> people would wish to live in such a boisterous environment.  <i>"At least the Tower is quiet and spacious; most conducive to thinking and observing without getting run over by an inattentive passerby."</i>


As she passed through the gate, she was suddenly stopped by a figure tugging on her white sleeve, "S'cuse me miss, but where do i go to become an Aes Sedai?".


Lillith's eyebrows raised sharply, "Child," she began, and stopped.  She sighed mentally, and looked up at the excited young woman standing before her, "Words fail me right now on how much you are in need of learning right now, and I am not the one to teach you." 


Her dark eyes tightened momentarily; how she loathed random people coming up to her like this!  But at least she had a way to get rid of this child, "The one you seek to 'become an Aes Sedai', as it were, would be the Mistress of Novices.  I will guide you there, if only that it is on the way to where I myself am headed.  Follow me, please, and do not get lost."


Nodding, Lillith spun on her heel and headed into the Tower proper.  She was not terribly familiar with the new Mistress of Novices, but had heard good things about the woman in question.  <i>"I wonder how many.. children... come to the Tower like this; a bundle of excitement and energy ready to leap before they look,"</i> the young White mused to herself as she continued deeper into the Tower, <i>"Perhaps Larindhra would answer me some questions on the topic, or let me observe her initial interview with some of these children.</i>


She continued to think on this line of thought until she reached the Mistress of Novice's office.  She knocked on the door, and turned to the young woman with her.  As the Red Sister called out for them to enter, Lillith spoke, "Wait here for a moment child while I speak to Larindhra Sedai."  She stared at the young woman for a moment, and entered without waiting for a reply.


The Red Sister currently serving as the Mistress of Novices looked up at her entrance; a hint of question resting in her eyes, "Yes... Lillith, is it?  What brings you to my office?  Not in need of Mortification of the Flesh or anything of the sort, I'd hope?"  Lillith ignored the bemusement in the older Sister's eye and spoke, "No, Larindhra.  I was stopped by a young woman on my way back to the Tower asking how to become an Aes Sedai."  The White shook her head in bemusement at the child's audacity before continuing, "She's outside.  I don't know if she's been tested or anything yet, but I figured the quickest way to get rid of her was to bring her to you."


Larindhra stood up and opened her mouth to speak, but Lillith cut her off, "I know this might seem an odd request, but might I stay and observe her interview?  Her.. impetuousness sparked a few questions about peoples' motives for coming and trying to join our number, and I'm curious as to what she has to say."



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Jerinia nodded vigorously at Lillith's offer to guide her to this Mistress of Novices person. The hidden sarcasm was lost on her, though that could at least partially be written off to simple enthousiasm about reaching her destination after several weeks of travel.


She followed the Aes Sedai, looking all around her as they walked, yet careful not to lose Lillith out of sight. She was taking her to see the person she had come to Tar Valon for after all, and regardless of how imposing the White Tower might look, actually becoming an Aes Sedai herself held far more of her interest.


When the slim Aes Sedai told her to wait, she did so, alternating between leaning against a wall and pacing up and down in front of the thick wooden door. Although she was checking fairly often to see if anyone was making attempts to open it yet, she didn't try to eavesdrop. She had never been good at it, and felt too nervous even if she had anyway.

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The White who entered came as a surprise; not many Aes Sedai ventured here, probably because they seldom had good memories of the Mistress of Novices’ office.  Lillith was still young, compared to her own years, which made a voluntary visit rather unlikely.  Larindhra’s quirky sense of humour reared its head before she could stop herself, though anyone less likely than a White to have earned such punishment would be hard to come by.


The reason turned out to be much more mundane, but also more welcome. Larindhra did her duty, but new novices were much more welcome than paddling the bottom of some erring Aes Sedai.  She stood to thank Lillith, but was interrupted by the strangest request she had received in a very long time.


Larindhra closed her mouth and sat back down slowly, staring at Lillith intently.  The woman met her gaze calmly, so she must be in earnest.  Her first instinct was to dismiss the idea out of hand, but she had learnt through the years to think things through carefully before making a decision, so she gave this idea a bit more serious consideration.  Eventually she nodded, though a bit reluctantly.  She thought that might be because she regarded the novices and Accepted as “hers”, which could prove detrimental to them if no outside opinions were ever considered.


“Very well, Lillith; as long as it is clear that you will only sit quietly and observe.  We will discuss this more afterwards, but for right now, please show the child in.”


The girl who entered was much taller than average, appearing older than she actually was, on closer inspection.  Being a Borderlander herself, Larindhra knew very well what the red Ki’sain symbolised; this could prove to be an unneeded complication, should the girl test true.


“Sit down, child, and have some tea.” Larindhra nodded to the chair she’d moved to a corner for Lillith, then turned her attention back to the girl. “I am the Mistress of Novices, Larindhra Reyne.  Lillith Sedai will be observing our interview, if you have no objections. What is your name, child, and why would a married woman ask to enrol as a novice?”



Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices


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A small smile quirked to Lillith's lips.  She had heard that the women holding the position of Mistress of Novices were generally possessive of her charges, and Larindhra just proved that rumor.  Still, the Domani woman was not one to give up on an idea when she had one, and was grateful that it wouldn't come to a battle of wills with a Sister who was her elder, and serving the Tower in a higher capacity.  "Thank you Larindhra," Lillith smiled, knowing fully well that the show of obsequience would probably make the Red Sister chuckle, "for allowing me this whim.  I will bring the girl in."


Opening the door, she gestured to the young Malkerei woman to enter.  With a nod to the Red Sister, she helped herself to spare writing materials and settled into the chair.



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Jerinia took a deep breath, going through a couple of exercises her father had taught her when she had seen him do them back in Malkier. She had used the waiting time to calm herself down somewhat, though enthousiasm had made its way for nervousness. Her eyebrows raised in surprise at hearing Lillith was an Aes Sedai as well, and she decided to give the woman an apology just in case.


- "Ah, my apologies, Lillith Sedai. I never actually saw an Aes Sedai before." ^^;


She gave Lillith a respectful bow, before turning to Larindhra. She intended to bow to her as well before heading to the chair that was offered, but stopped, frowning at her question.


- "Huh? Married, Larin-- Oh! Sorry."


chuckling softly to herself, she subconsciously reached for the red dot on her forehead. While she should be wearing a blue dot to show that she was still single, she had instead started wearing a red dot for other reasons. She softly coughed in her fist, trying to regain some of her composure before giving the Mistress of Novices a small explanation.


- "I'm not married, Larindhra Sedai. I changed it from blue to red because i'm a still bit uncertain about dating, and it worked in keeping the boys away so far... Should i change it back?"


She moved to the empty chair and sat down, her arms a bit shaky. It was getting increasingly more difficult for her to keep holding back a mixture of nervousness and enthousiasm, and she bit her lip to keep herself under control.

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"Ah, my apologies, Lillith Sedai. I never actually saw an Aes Sedai before."


Light, but how this child was stepping on herself left and right!  But still, the White Sister had agreed to sit quietly and let the Mistress of Novices do her job, and she was sticking to that.  <i>"And besides,"</i> Lillith thought to herself, <i>"I spoke truly when I said I was not the one to be teaching her these lessons... those will come from Larindhra, from her actual teachers, from her mentor... those people who choose to become involved in this child's life, not me."</i>


Still, she scribbled on the notepad before her:


<i> Child exhibits excitement and nervousness.  Probably read too many stories about Aes Sedai while growing up, and romanticized the whole experience.  Perhaps is starting to realize that whatever she was earlier in her life, she is truly a child again at this point.</i>


And the young woman explained the colour of her <i>ki'sain</i>, Lillith added:


<i>Tenancy towards 'white' lies.  Need to ascertain degree of dishonesty, and how this has affected her decision-making process</i>.


Taking a moment to clean and sharpen her nib, she waited expectantly for more of the interview.


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Larindhra was not convinced by the Malkieri girl’s explanation about the Ki’sain. She was Shienaran herself, with close ties to the neighbouring country, and she knew how seriously they took the matter – either the girl was lying about her reason, or lying by implication, using a colour she was not entitled to.  She might have allowed the child to keep her Ki’sain, but lies did not sit well with Larindhra; not from someone in her charge.


“Should you not pass this test, I will have no say in what you do but I would strongly advise you to change it back to blue.  You should know better than to bring shame to your family in this way.” Larindhra’s face showed no mercy, her eyes boring into the girl’s.  “If you do pass the test, you will be enrolled as a novice.  Novices are strictly discouraged from wearing any jewellery or ornamentation.  In this case, I will insist - you will remove all yours, should that happen.”  She eyed the girl’s obviously coloured hair sourly, but strictly speaking there was nothing in the rules against that.  Lillith’s presence had been an irritant at first, but now she was thankful for it.  This dratted temper of mine, she thought, rolling a quick eye at the White.


“But I am running ahead of myself.”  She picked up the blue gem lying on a corner of her desk and dangled it midway between them with a thread of Air, whilst feeding a thin thread of Spirit into it.  “Clear your mind and concentrate on the gem … only the gem.” Larindhra forced her personal feelings aside, turning her voice soothing and low as she all but crooned at the girl, encouraging her to relax.  Despite her earlier misgivings, she felt a thrill when the gem eventually flashed; any potential Aes Sedai was treasured, though they would probably not realise that fact until they themselves reached the shawl one day.  The process of turning a silly young girl into a strong Aes Sedai was not always easy; neither for the girl nor the people responsible for her.


She allowed a brief smile to soften her stern gaze.  “Very well done, child, and welcome to the Tower.”  She reached for the Novice Book. “Perhaps now you will furnish me with your name and place and date of birth?”


Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices


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Jerinia held her eyes downcast as Larindhra berated her on the color of her ki'sain. She had changed the color of it after seeing how young men were going after unmarried refugees like the world was going to end tomorrow. She had gotten a couple of suitors as well, and it was disturbing her greatly. Although her mother hadn't been all too happy about it when she brought it up, she did eventually allow it, at least for the time being. Now that she was in the Tower -- not to mention away from the other refugees -- there wasn't a need for keeping the red anyway.


After the small test, which had her concentrate on a gem until it reflected the light a bit oddly, but judging by the Mistress of Novices' reaction she was apparently satisfied with the results. Asked for her name, she became a bit flustered, realising she had forgotten to properly introduce herself when she came into the office.


- "Umm... Jerinia, Aes Sedai. Jerinia Zaralyn, born in Jenaan, Malkier, the 10th of Tammaz, 934 NE. And thank you." ^_^


There was a tremor of excitement in her voice as she started removing her jewellery, though she did pause a moment holding her earrings to ask whether or not she'd be getting them back. They were keepsakes of her family after all...

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Larindhra entered Jerinia’s details in the Novice Book, with a few comments of her own.  She left the book for a moment while she fetched a numbered box from the store room, along with a set of novice whites which she handed to Jerinia.


“Try these on later; the seamstresses can adjust them if they don’t fit perfectly.” She sniffed at the girl’s comment about her jewelery. “We are not thieves, child – these will be kept safe until you reach the shawl … or you are asked to leave.”


She held out the box for Jerinia to place her belongings in there, then added the number of the box to the Book. “Bring me your clothes and anything else you will not be needing any time soon – I will add them in here.”


Seating herself, she pondered for a brief while about who to assign as the child’s Mentor, then wrote a brief note to Shevara – she would do perfectly for this child.


“I will have someone escort you to your new room, Jerinia.  As soon as you have cleaned up and changed into your Whites, you will find Shevara Sedai of the Red Ajah and hand her this note – she will be your Mentor.  She will explain the Rules and procedures to you, and help you with any questions or problems, though you are always welcome to come to me too.”


Larindhra handed the note to Jerinia, then stuck her head out the door.  “On duty again, Aviana?” The Accepted snapped her eyes open with a sickly look, which almost made Larindhra chuckle.  “Please see that Jerinia is settled into the novice quarters, then show her the way to the Red quarters.  She should be able to find Shevara by herself from there.  Jerinia, I will see you again in the morning.”


Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices



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Jerinia's eyes went wide at hearing Larindhra comment about them not being thieves. Paling slightly, she held her hands against her chest, paling slightly at having given the Mistress of Novices the impression she apparently had.


- "No, no it's not that, Aes Sedai... The earrings are a keepsake from my grandmother, and i'm quite attached to them, that's all."


Taking one last look at her earrings and pendant, she placed them in the box, wincing despite her intentions not to when the lid snapped shut. She accepted the note, murmuring a goodbye before being escorted by Aviana to her new room. She knew her current clothing would be too warm for her this far South, but it'd still feel... odd not to wear her old garb.


Still, it'd only be for a while anyway. After all, how long could getting this shawl thing possibly take?

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  • 4 weeks later...

“Well, that was rather an unusual one … “Larindhra broke off and peered at Lillith.  She still wasn’t sure why the White had asked to observe an interview, and she hesitated to criticise one of her Novices in front of anyone else.  Still, a second opinion might be of value, as she didn’t trust her own objectivity with this one.


She reached into a drawer and pulled out some biscuits which she arranged on a plate, then made them a fresh pot of tea.  She put both down on a little table next to Lillith then drew up a chair to sit by her.  Pouring fresh cups, she handed one to the White and took a few sips of her own before continuing.


“So what did you make of that? I must confess I lost my temper a bit; we Borderlanders are quite … serious about our traditions and heritage.  Jerinia wearing the red Ki’sain when not entitled to … well, that put my back up a bit.” She smiled wryly.  “Not exactly proper Aes Sedai behaviour on my part, I suppose, but then I’ve always been of the opinion that we all have our faults. As long as we recognise them and work on them, that’s what counts.”



Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices


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Lillith reviewed her notes on the new Novice as Larindhra puttered around the office preparing tea.  At least, she was pretending to review the notes; her eyes obliquely followed the older woman.  <i>"She seems a bit agitated,"</i> the young White thought to herself, <i>"I do hope she'll explain why."</i>


She was forced out of her reverie as Lari drew up a chair and poured the tea.  Nodding her thanks, Lillith took the proffered cup and joined the Mistress of Novices in a few sips.


<b>"So, what did you make of that?  I must confess I lost my temper a bit; we Borderlanders are quite... serious about our traditions and heritage.  Jerinia wearing the red ki'sain when not entitled to... well, that put my back up a bit."</b>  The older sister smiled, and continued, <b>"Not exactly proper Aes Sedai behavior on my part, I suppose, but then I've always been of the opinion that we all have our faults.  As long as we recognize them and work on them, that's what counts."</b>


Lillith smiled into her tea, <i>"That's an understandable reason for agitation... and her logic is sounder than anything I would have ever expected out of a Red.  Still...</i>


She looked up, "We do indeed have our faults, but I think that most people prefer to ignore them... <i>Or can't banish the bloody things; oh, these walls...</i>  I'd say you have a bit of a White streak in you, Larindhra, but then, most do... and wouldn't dare admit to such."  Shaking her head, Lillith turned her eyes to her teacup again, "As for pride, one could say it's the glue that binds a nation together."


The White Sister shook herself again, and carefully set her tea aside.  She picked up her notes and held them towards Larindhra, "Anyways, on this... impetuous child... I am thinking that she is one of those with an over-romanticized view of the White Tower, and that she's in for a stiff dose of reality!"  A small chuckle escaped Lillith's lips, "And as for this lying business of hers, I think that we can count on your Shevara to straighten her out, if she's even only a fraction as fierce as her reputation makes her out to be... I take it that this assignation was a-purpose?"

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  • 1 month later...

“I'd say you have a bit of a White streak in you, Larindhra, but then, most do... and wouldn't dare admit to such."


Larindhra chuckled at Lillith’s comment; she did have a wide streak of logic, true enough, but she preferred to apply it rather than talk about it.  She thought it prudent not to mention that, though.  She made a point of not antagonizing members of other Ajah’s unless absolutely unavoidable.  It was just logical.  That thought almost made her chuckle again.


She took the notes Lillith handed to her with some surprise – she hadn’t expected the White to share that much with her – but perused them with interest nevertheless. Nothing much she hadn’t observed herself, but then, she had been exposed to more young girls than anyone else had in the Tower combined. Jerinia wasn’t that far off the norm, really. She handed the notes back absentmindedly. 


“Do not fret too much about the child, Lillith – she will be moulded and polished like all of us were, and become an asset to the Tower one day, the Light willing.” Larindhra hesitated, not wanting to voice what had been worrying her for years now. The opportunity was there, though, and some of the famed White logic might be just the thing needed.


“You raise an interesting point, Lillith: motives for wanting to join the Tower … we have mostly the romantics, with a few of the reluctant.  Very few of the last … not many Aes Sedai go out of their way to test random girls and send them to the Tower.” She shot a sidelong glance at Lillith.  “Only a handful of the Novices I have on my book now will gain the shawl one day. We are dwindling … “ Larindhra shut her mouth with a snap, not wanting to give voice to the awful thought.



Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices


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  • 5 weeks later...


((OOC - she went random on me  :o))




Lillith frowned sadly; it was the most emotion she had probably shown in days, but she couldn't help herself in this instance.  "Yes," she murmured in assent, "We are.. but what is there to do, really?"  Sipping her tea, she continued with a bit of heat to her voice, "Those Sisters who are out in the world doing... whatever... should be making stronger efforts to test and find girls, but it's not like we can make them deviate from their precious tasks."  Her voice held traces of unaccountable bitterness as she continued, "We do dwindle, with less girls found every year, and most of them who come seeking to be Aes Sedai being ungifted fools following romantic notions, as you so aptly put it.


Taking another sip of the tea, she put the cup down, picked up a biscuit, and idly fingered it as she went on, "I was one of those... reluctant ones myself," Lillith spoke; her lips quirked into a small smile at the slight widening of Lari's eyes, "I was the only family my father had, and while he might have been a reluctant parent at best, I still feel I did him a disservice by agreeing to come to the White Tower.  But logically.. logically.. it seemed for the best to have my abilities trained to better serve mankind."



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  • 4 weeks later...

Larindhra’s eyes widened despite herself at Lillith’s confession; the woman seemed so … dedicated, even if slightly odd.  Well, odd has always appealed to me, she thought with a quirky smile. Nibbling on a biscuit, she studied the young White opposite her. Well, young compared to herself, anyway. Reds seldom made friends outside the Ajah, but Larindhra was years beyond allowing custom to inhibit her when she was inclined to go another way. Age did have its advantages. And this particular White attracted her interest. Strangely, she also felt a strong level of trust towards the woman.


Leaning forward, she patted Lillith on the knee. “You did the right thing, Sister, even though it might not have felt so at the time. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and we are, after all, Servants to All. Or we should be,” she added with a sigh. “I’m sure your father felt only pride in you, my dear. “


“You made mention of Aes Sedai and their tasks, and finding girls to bring to the Tower.  Do you know how many I have on the books now who stand a chance of gaining the Shawl? A bare handful! Most of them were found by pure chance. How many women are out there, unaware of what they could have become, while they could be here, making a difference to the world?” Larindhra’s face became bleak. “Even more important: How are we going to face the Last Battle with only the Sisters we have now?” She clutched her teacup, staring into its depths as if the solution might be found there. “I can almost wish it would come soon, rather than centuries in the future. I very much fear that if it is the centuries, we will have dwindled to nothing.”



Larindhra Reyne

Mistress of Novices


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Lillith almost jumped a mile in her skin when Lari reached over and patted her; she'd let her emotions run away with her in a manner that was... well, considered unseemly for one of her Ajah.


Still, if she thought about it, it made sense in a way that she'd let herself go with the Mistress of Novices, whomever the woman.  Lacking a mother growing up, the young White Sister <i>had</i> been more open with the woman filling the position as she came up through the Tower.  <i>"I guess it shouldn't surprise me that I find myself spilling my soul out to the woman filling the position now,"</i> she mused ruefully, as she turned her attention back to what the woman before her was saying.


<b>"...fear that if it is the centuries, we will have dwindled to nothing.”</b> the older woman finished with a bleak look crossing her face.  Lillith blinked again, and picked up her teacup to hide a small smile, <i>"It seems that we're both in a sharing mood, then,"</i> she thought, taking a small sip before placing the cup back on the table.


Suddenly, a knock echoed through the door, and Lillith stood, "It seems your work calls, Sister," Lillith smiled softly as she pushed the chair back in, "And as for Last Battle.. we will make due as we can."


Crossing the small room, she turned back to the Red Sister, "If you wish sometime, perhaps, we could discuss this another time," she said, "But for now, I bid you good day."


She opened the door, and eyed the red-faced Novice without as she strode past; Lillith wasn't sure what <i>quite</i> had happened this day, but it seemed that something <b>had</b> happened... and possibly something quite good.

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