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WT Division in Need of a Keeper


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Things you should know before you apply::


1 - We are ONLY accepting NSW Bio’s for the Keeper. THEY WILL NOT BE A PC CHARACTER. (For more information contact a member of Staff.)


2 - Activity. Needs to be able to reply to Keeper rps on a weekly basis at least. Since it is only an IC position the player will not be bogged down with OOC duties.


3- Ajah- Please realize that the Keeper must be Red, so if you are going to have problems playing a Red, you need to consider this.


Application :


We underline that anyone can apply old or new, all applications will be considered and the deadline is March 13th. Keeper Announcments will be made on March 16th, 2008. Anyone can apply, you do not need to have ever been raised above the rank of Novice with your pc, you do however need to be part of this division.


Name :


Age :


How long have you RPed at DM?


How long have you been RPing all over?


Why do you want to play the Keeper? What do you expect playing such a character to entail?


What do you think our expectations of you are?


Do you have any leadership experience at DM or RP in general (references)?


How does your schedule look, do you have time to lay down work both IC and OOC to help out the div as the Keeper?


What sort of plans would you have for the Keeper you wish to play? Concrete ideas that if you were given the Position you'd start off with.



Biography :


A full, well writtten Bio is required. It will be posted as is applied for CC’ing.


Sample RP :


It is the first day in the Office, and your are just raised to the position of Keeper and this is your first moment alone. What happens? (Min 1000 Words)


All Amyrlin Applications can be sent to dmwhitetowerstaff [at] gmail.com with the subject title “Keeper Application for ___________________”.



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Just a quick question....why does the Keeper need to be a Red??  Yes, generally the Keeper is chosen from the Ammy's Ajah, but there is precedent in the books about choosing one from a different Ajah.  Is it just keep things nice and neat and easy to maintain??

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Avalon, i think that's just to both increase the chance they agree on the important matters (being in the same Ajah) as well as know each other previously (again from being in the same Ajah).


At least, i get the impression that the times a Keeper wasn't raised from the Amyrlin's Ajah were all purely done for diplomatic reasons to increase support amongst the Sitters. Which would make the most sense, considering a couple of stunts like this were pulled in the Books as well.


Lanfir Leah Marithsen becomes the Amyrlin Seat with the support of the Red/Gray/Green faction. Whites act as the decisive factor and other Ajahs support her choice over Asyndara of the Blue when Lanfir promises to take a Blue Keeper. Asyndara is exiled from the WT. Lanfir fails to keep her promise and chooses her old friend Lyanna instead and this angers Blues, Browns and Yellows who actively form an faction that opposes the rest of the Hall.


Happens in our own little Timeline as well, in fact ^^;

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It honestly sounds like fun... wish I wasn't a swamped monkey, or else I'd try and snatch it for myself! *grins*  I hope everyone gives it a shot that has a lick of spare time, though :)

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As I said, if it is to manage things better OOC, then I have no problems with it.  But I think it can open up all sorts of interesting RP's if the Keeper is from a different Ajah, which was the basis of my question.  Why limit it?  But I can see how it can make some things sticky OOC. 

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