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well, if both of you have not been answered, the answer is simple, either Dali is buisy IRL, or something is wrong with the E-mail, send him a (polite) PM alerting him that you sent in a bio, and see where it goes from there


or you could kick him in the arse, either way works...

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That would be a no... I've changed computers so many times, going through another bout of hard times and such so me trying to keep any record's is something to be put under the heading "Very Bad Ideas".


In time perhaps, but I think Ben's in charge of that now.

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Guest Dalinar



Enough with the butt kicking.


I had actually passed the bio checking baton on to Skechid. Skechid neglected to inform me that he hasn't been apply to reply to bios until today because he has had difficulties with the account. Until I handed him the baton, I was being very good about replying to bios, so be nice or I'll whack you till your face goes blue. :P


*is very, very, tired - can you tell?*


That said, a 'polite reminder mail/PM' as Jason suggested is often one of the best ways to go about alerting me to these things as they often get checked even before I get to the boards. I actually knew about this before I was jumped on on MSN, and before i hit the boards, because one of the people in question had the sense to email me. Hoorah.




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I did NOT neglact ya silly boy. I didn't know the emails weren't sent. I have been having some problems with the server, but I did reply, I jsut don't know what happened to the emails I sent.


Apparently the emails weren't sent. But nevermind I have managed to pop the server into my computer. Oh the cleverness of me. So yes, I'm on it now.


Apologies everyone.


Please don't kill me. *sad*


Noone loves me anymore.



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Guest Faile1987

Aren´t we all nice ;)


*loves to kick ppl´s asses, but decides to behave civilly now for once*


Hm...let´s see how long I manage that.


Anyway, I´m the fasted bio-checker ever anyway (on runnings that is)


was only kidding, you´re doing a good job, guys *hugs the BT staff*


and anyway, who needs order when he (or she) can have madness???

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Guest Dalinar

And you should go ahead and discuss that in a bit more depth with me and Muir if you haven't already, Estel, cos I know that she had some thoughts in mind for it.


Apologies to anyone who got put off by my last post on this thread. I was in a cranky mood and feeling hassled (two CRAZY flat out days at work in a row had me stressed). I'm all sunshine and daisies again now so it's safe to talk to me again ;) Sorry for expressing it here. Hopefully haven't put you off from approaching me about stuff because I DO want you to feel comfortable coming to me about any concerns, queries, ideas, problems etc. :D




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Well im still confused??????????

Do i need to send my bio again or will i hopefully be recieving an email soon.

Aren´t we all nice Wink


*loves to kick ppl´s asses, but decides to behave civilly now for once*


Hm...let´s see how long I manage that.


Anyway, I´m the fasted bio-checker ever anyway (on runnings that is)


was only kidding, you´re doing a good job, guys *hugs the BT staff*


and anyway, who needs order when he (or she) can have madness???


The black tower is made for crazy ness thats why its here. :twisted:

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Well im still confused??????????

Do i need to send my bio again or will i hopefully be recieving an email soon.

Aren´t we all nice Wink


*loves to kick ppl´s asses, but decides to behave civilly now for once*


Hm...let´s see how long I manage that.


Anyway, I´m the fasted bio-checker ever anyway (on runnings that is)


was only kidding, you´re doing a good job, guys *hugs the BT staff*


and anyway, who needs order when he (or she) can have madness???


The black tower is made for crazy ness thats why its here. :twisted:

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Haha- I love pasing out the DPJ (thats Double Post Jinx for those who do know).


Anyway- we need to get this feller processed and into the ranks- there are several of us who are very close to getting promoted to Dedicated and we could use some more fresh meat [licks chops]

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*glanes at all the crazy ppls* so much for being in a room. Hey Kalth, been a while since we last chatted, hasn't it. You're right, our remaining two classes are well under way, we need all of the new Soldiers we can get!

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