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LFG! (ATTN: Command Staff)


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Now that my character's been accepted, i'd like to hold a short RP about her being led in front of one of the Band's commanding officers. She has something she's been wanting to ask, it being the very reason why she went and sought out the Band in the first place.


Simply put, it's about the area between where her bio ends (link in my sig, just click on the name), and where she ends up joining a Division ^^;

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I think as far as command staff goes the only ones would be Quibby and Me.  Not sure exactly how that would work but I'll get in touch with the Quibbster and see what we can kick around and come up with.


Owan Bloodeye

Capt. Gen.

Archer Corps


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If you want to speak to a scout officer at some point let me know! Welcome to the bunch! Besides Kedyn (who is hardly around here anymore) I am the highest ranking scout and would be happy to rp with you some time if you like - if you want some training or anything just give me a prod and I'll see what I can do ^_^

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