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Something that's bugged me


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At the end of TFoH, Lanfear graqbs Egwene and Aviendha and screams

"which is Aviendha!"


This despite the fact that she knew who both Egwene and Aviendha were. 


She met Egwene in the Tower and refers to her (when discussing dreams with Rand) and the little farm girl, and when disguised as Keille in the Waste refers to aviendha as "the aiel Jade" 


She had to know which was which.


Rage induced Amnesia perhaps? 


This is something I asked about a while ago when we were talking about something or other. I think the answer I got was that when Lanfear saw Egwene in T'A'R, Egwene more than likely didnt look like Egwene, but Egwene's own mental image of herself which is never what other people see. Aviendha yes, she saw in the Waste but likely her hair has grown since then. Also Egwene was wearing Wise One clothes (I think?) which would likely confuse Lanfear too.


I'm also not sure how MUCH of aviendha lanfear saw in the waste, didnt she have a shawl wrapped around her head most of the time?




But Lanfear saw Egwene in the Novice Quarters, live and in the flesh.  Stand the two side by side and there is a major height difference bwtween E and A.


I think it might have been RJ spacing that fact wile showing just how pissed Lanfear was at the time.

Guest leebarr

Never noticed that. Now it's bugs me


true, but weve never known if she knew egwenes name, or even cared. She knows rand has a history with her and could easily have made the mistake that egwene was the one rand bedded. Or she was simply so miffed she didnt care anyway


Slip by RJ perhaps?  Lanfear mentions Egwene and Avi several times after peeking in on Rand's dreams as well as knowing her from the Tower.  Kinda strange.  Good catch.


I doubt she knew their names, or cared to. Then Kadere mentions Aviendha, and she knows it's one of the two, but not which. Plus of course her rage and passion probably plays in to blinding her. Of course, looking at Egwene and Aviendha, I think anyone would know that "Aviendha" is an Aiel name, and Egwene is certainly NOT Aiel, despite the way she's been acting up till that point.


I just read this part again yesterday and here is my impression.  I now think RJ definately intended this and it was not a slip.


Lanfear basically knows who Eqw and Avi are, but has no interest or no care in knowing their names, as they are just insignifcant to her.  She thinks of them as we would ants running around.  We might see a brown ant and a red ant and be able to tell them apart and remember them when we saw them again, but if someone identified one of the ants as "Bob" we would have no idea which one they were talking about.  She knows who they are and can tell the difference between the two, but doesn't really acknowledge them as important enough to know their names.  Why on earth would she ever bother herself with knowing the names of ANY of these half trained little girls.   


Thank you for pointing this passage out, I did not notice it before and it gives me a better perspective on Lanfear.  Also in that scene there are comments made on how she slaps away Mor and Lan as if they were nothing.  I forget the passage, but when she first pushes Mor aside, you get the impression of what she thinks of her....again, another "nothing-nobody" that she doesn't consider even remotely significant. 






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