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Empy's Oscar Steam of Conciousness


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Feel free to join in.  1 minute and a half to go and I figured I would comment as I watch.  I didn't watch the red carpet because I am not THAT into the awards. 


I am eating donuts and milk.... mmmm.... 


I like how the No Country for Old Men cast is up front.


Ok preshow over... time for the awards.  Yay John Stewart.  Wait... commercials.... maybe I shouldn't post EVERY thought I have.  To be honest, I am filtering out some thoughts.  Mmmm... Hax is hot. 


Ok going to post now for a place holder.  Again if you want to join me in a steam of consciousness post... well... I bet no one is reading this until tomorrow....


Oh I am doing this cause the wife deserted me for the night!  Well at least for a few hours to go watch some event at her school.  Teachers...

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Wow they made a big budget intro for the oscars.  It is kind of fun tryinh to pick out all the movies.  If I had a little more time and could type faster I would post all the ones I see. 


Why is Arnold delivering the oscars though.  Seems like the Terminator would have more important things to do.


The Oscars are the make up sex.... funny line.  In reference to the writers strike.


Does this town need a hug... funny. 


Bah Atonement shouldn't have been nominated.  I saw other movies more deserving. 


I like the dig on Norbit John. 


Wow the writer from Juno was an exotic dancer. 


Wow he turned to politics... the critics are going to hate that.


Yeah not sure about the opening monologue. 


Jennifer Gardner is presenting Costume Design.  Where did she disappear too?  Didn't she have a kid?  Oh well... Elizabeth won but I am not surprised by that. 


Next round I will try to spice up the post a little. 

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Alrighty... commercial break over.  Now I am trying to figure out my next question for the 21 movie game.  Is this the montage?  Yep.... hold on... sleepy time.  Ok... I admit... it is nice to see some of the old presenters... the days of Billy Crystal... I remember watching him with my parents. 


Have I mentioned I CAN NOT WAIT for the song from Once to be sung?  It had better win.  Why is the song from Titanic playing in the background.  Now I am thinking of Kate's bare chest and my desire to draw..... no I am not... yes I am.  Dirty old man.


Ok now on to best animated film.  Ratatouille I think will win.... hmmm maybe I should netflix it.  Yep.  Who didn't see that coming.  Two for two.... go Empy.  Uh oh... this guy is drowning. He told a story about this guidance counselor and now he is stammering. 


Hmmm Katherine Heigel.... mmmmmm......  she is doing make up and I think she is blushing too much.  How cute.  Norbit better not win.  Oscar should not be associated with that movie.  Nice... Le Vie won.  Nice... she thanked her assistants. 



EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  Bah... not the movie I wanted to hear music from.  BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... This song is crap.  Who even saw Enchanted?  Ok where else do I know Amy Adams from?  I think I just saw her in West Wing this weekend.  Booooo.  Seriously... this is the first time I have heard the song and it doesn't compare to falling slowly. 

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The Rock is presenting?  Ok... I can get down with that... I guess.  Do the eyebrow raise!!!  No way Transformers doesn't win this.... Ok... I meant.. no way Golden Compass doesn't win this.  *looks around*  I think I picked GC to win in my predictions. 


I blanked out... ok Art Direction.  I saw Kate Blanchett and started wondering how long she had been preggers.  Sweeney Todd wins this?  YES!  Well deserved.  This is for Art Direction for those of you keeping up at home. 


If you cut out the montages... there may be more room for Empy to go to bed on time. 


Ok best supporting actor of course is going to Javier.  If you haven't seen this movie... No Country for Old Men... SO GOOD.  Put it on your netflix and hate me when you first watch it because you dont' get it.    Yep he wins it.  Really I thought his was the best performance of the year.... yep even better than Daniel Day Lewis. 


I want to be a pretty pretty princess....

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Binaculars and periscopes???  I didn't think they were serious.... I like how they are making fun of the montages though.


Raise it up?  This song sucks.... (it hasn't started yet but... ok... I will keep an open mind)  Where do I know this girl from?  Ok song time.  I haven't even heard of this movie... August Rush? 


What is up with Owen Wilson's nose?  What weird movies.....  They have the live Action people in the back of the crowd. 


A freaking BEE montage!  This is crazy and not that funny.  Great... someone is getting an award from a Bee... not that funny still.  The wife is home finally.  She didn't miss much I guess.  I am being told about speeches now from her school now.  She doesn't get I am doing a steam of consciousness thread. 


I thought Alin Arkin was dead... I think I got it confused with Little Miss Sunshine.  Best Supporting Actress.... gotta be Kate Blanchett.  Back to the wife's speeches... I think I had to be there to appreciate her descriptions.  I did like Tilda Swinton in Michael Clayton.  Whoa... I think I helped her win there by mentioning her in my post.  Giving the oscar to their agent?  Odd. 


And another montage on... I am not sure.  Commercial...

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Jessica Alba is pregnant?  When did I miss that.


Oooo a nice quote montage.  Adapted Screenplay...  ok here is what I think should win.  No Country for Old Men.  *crosses fingers*  YES!  That was an easy one to call. 


More filler... I bet a montage is coming up.  Yep... how they do the awards.  I want to be a member of the  Academy.  ACK my HD just cut out.  Ok back.  I almost had to switch to regular TV.  I am glad I didn't have to soild myself by changing the channel.


WHAT??/ Another Enchanted nominated song.  Seems they are trying to stack things against my favorite song.  Oh dear.....  this song sucks as well.  They have a whole studio perfomance lined up for this one.  Wow those old people can move.  I hope no one breaks a hip.  Wait a minute... this singer was in the last season of West Wing as well.  She is also the girl in Pushing Daisies.  I think.... the song still sucks...


Commercial again... The wife disappeared somewhere.... 

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Again... how did Halle Barry win an Oscar.  lol... the guys from Knocked Up.  Sound Editing.... I think Bourne Ultimatum wins this.  Again I would like to take this moment to say that Transformers sucked.  Actually I typed Bourne then changed to TWBW and then changed back when Bourne won. 


Sound Mixing... wait are the same movies nominated?  Umm... deja vu.  Wait... 310 is new.  Stupid Transformers!!!  Yeah... Bourne won again. 


When is the song from Once!  I think as soon as this song comes on I am going to watch the rest in bed.  Great another montage... I think we are up to number 6.  I am going to take a guest that the best actress is coming up next.  Julie Christe should win this.  Laura Linney could win this as well.  Ohhh I forgot about Ellen Page.  Doubt she wins though.  Oh I didn't see that coming.  Guess that will move to the top of my netflix though.  The wife says that the Oscar always goes to the woman who uglies herself up.  I thinking Frida and The Hours and Monster.... 



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YAY Once song.  I am sooo excited.  I hope you guys enjoy it.  He is using the same guitar from the movie... notice how it is all beat up.  So nice to see... now go rent the movie.


The girl is correcting my grammar now.... I am making more mistakes now that she is reading over my shoulder.  I think we are going to watch all the best picture.  I think I have already watched all the ones from 1980 on.  Best Editing... Wow Bourne is cleaning up.  I think that is up to 3 for them. 


Oh here comes the Lifetime award.... I can't believe I am staying awake for this.  Why is Nicole Kidman presenting this.  Up... its montage number 10. 


Ok heading up to bed.  Go NCFOM for the win!

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That Marion Cotillard won Best Actress was perhaps the best thing happeneing during the whole thing.


Other than that...

Best Picture...I find No Country extremely overrated, and it would never have gotten so much attention if it had been made by no-names rather than than the Coens. Of the nominated, Atonement should have won.


Best Director...Again, I don't see that No Country deserves any awards. David Lynch light with some colege humour tossed in. Meh. Diving Bell And The Butterfly should have won.


Best Actor...Not a great movie, but Danny boy was awesome as usual. No complaints.


Best Actress...Yay!


Best Supporting Actress...I would have gone with Saoirse Ronan, but Swinton was not a bad choice either.


Best Supporting Actor...Only seen three of the five nominated, and none of them made much of an impact.


Best Animated...I would have been equally happy with Ratatouille or Persepolis.


Best Adapted Screenplay...Atonement or The Diving bell should have won.


Best original Screenplay...I don't get what people see in Juno. Michael Clayton should have won this.



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In my opinion as stated many times... Atonement was the worst film nominated for best picture.  It was not original and did not have as strong as acting as the other films.


No Country for Old Men was excellent.  If you didn't like it then  you just didn't get the premise of the movie.  The acting in this movie was the best out of the other movies.  Javier's chilling character was the best of the year by far followed closely by DDL.


Again I am just happy Once won best Song. 

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If Original had been a necessity for winning an awards, they would have cancelled the entire thing long ago. Sure, Atonement borrows quite a bit from other movies. But it is performed so much better than in earlier attempts.


And I can't say I see anything original about No Country. Or any of the nominated movies. What I did see in No Country was loads of over-acting. A typical trick to compensate for a weak script, or for lack of real acting skill.

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