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Are there any women T'averen


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I really don't see why Nynaeve isn't Ta'veren... I mean, look at what she causes in TFoH - she practically single-handedly (and by accident, which is the whole point of being Ta'veren) started a war between the Prophet's men and the Whitecloaks, all over a simple riverboat.  This whole section is rife with things that just make Nynaeve seem extremely lucky in the end, even if it seems like bad luck at the time. The same kind of thing happens with Perrin, pretty much, after all.


But perhaps she's nearly Ta'veren, but not quite... Since Siuan didn't mention anything, she isn't likely to really be one, since Siuan has that Talent from what I remember.


You are. The heroes serve both big and small functions, and though some have been ta'veren, not all have, just as not all ta'veren have become Heroes.


The only listed female ta'veren was Mabriem en Shereed, who was an Aes Sedai of the Grey Ajah and the Queen of Aramaelle and was instrumental in the forming of the Compact of the Ten Nations following the Breaking of the World.


That being said, it seems likely that ta'veren of a weaker variety than Rand and his buddies are more common than we realise. At the very least Siuan recognises the sight of a ta'veren suggesting she has some one before. Ta'veren capable of remolding the world may come only once every thousand years, but weaker ta'veren, whilst rare, may well occur much more frequently.


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