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Everything you need to know about the WT


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Links to the WT Bio Archive Forum as well as all Ajahs, OP Info & Policies can be found here!






Hello and welcome to White Tower at Dragonmount. My name is Jaydena (aka Jenny) and I am your Division Leader. My Staff is Assistant's DL's Elgee and Claire who handle Novices and Accepted and Aes Sedai respectively. Along with them I have Quisalas Selene who handles bio checking and Muirenn who handles RP Coordination. Hopefully everything you need is in this thread, if not feel free to PM me if anything is missing. Please note that when you first sign up for our division, you need to post in the Sign-Up thread to be able to see our private boards.  



Aka ~ Jaydena Mckanthur

White Tower Division Leader

Head of the Green Ajah and Sitter





The White Tower here at DM allows each person to have up to 3 channeling Aes Sedai, Accepted, or Novices. It dosen't matter if you are a new character or a returning character who wants a new character, you must submit a bio. All Bio's can be emailed to DMWTBIOS [at] gmail [dot] com. Please Do Not RP any character until your Bio is Cross-Checked and before completing the Novice Quiz (1st time Novices) and submitting an Approved One Power Score. Any bio questions should be submitted to Quisalas Selene. (Contact info below)

***Please note that your Novice Quiz will be sent out when your bio is approved by the WT staff and Cross checked by a staff member of another division. The Quiz is not located anywhere other than inside our records so you won't be able to find it if you look.***



Below is the bio form to be used in any bio submitted.

Before you submit your bio please check out these




Basic Information

Handle :

Character Count : (For this Division)

Contact :


Character Information














Special Skills:

Knowledge Weakness:

Physical Weakness:

Personality weakness:





(Should include any major events in the character's life prior to joining the Division,

as well as any significant RPs since)




For Novices:

Congratulations and welcome to N & A-hood! Once you have your Bio Approved Quisalas will send you the Novice Quiz to do and OP scores to break down. Once that is done, you will receive permission to RP your character and will then be under the Guidance and Administration of Elgee (Both IC and OOC). The IC Mistress of Novices is Larindhra Reyne played by Elgee, and her bio can be found HERE All Out of Character inquires (Pranks, Requirements, etc) can be directed to Elgee.


All information for Novices and Accepteds can be found Here.




Email: lg_curepipe [at] yahoo.com

MSN : lg_curepipe [at] hotmail.com




For all your RP Approval and Aes Sedai needs, your contact is Claireducky (Claire). (Contact Info Below)


Email: clairesedai [at] yahoo.com

MSN: rainbowmoc [at] hotmail.com  


Important Links


In other News, the Forced Aging system has been abolished and is no longer enforced. However, any Age request 150 or Higher will require a written request stating the reasons why you wish to have your Aes Sedai that age to the DL.

The current ages are Here. If you wish to change your characters Age, or are not currently on the list please email Staff.


The Ages (for Current Plotline) as they currently stand are:

  • Legendary 250+
  • Mythical 230+
  • Ancient 210+  
  • Elder 190+
  • Venerable 170+
  • Veteran 150+
  • Mature 130+  
  • Experienced 110+
  • Tested 90+
  • Young 90-




Old Tags Site

Even Older Tags Site

Do not hotlink off the above sites as it will not work, please save and upload to your own hosting site.

Old WT Library Site

Aes Sedai rings, Ajah necklaces, etc

Get your own Aes Sedai ring at this awesome site. I have seen their work and it's good.

Encyclopedia of the Wheel of Time






Regarding any Rp requests, Talents, Angreal request, Bondings, etc.


Contact DMWTBIOS [at] Gmail [dot] com

For all N&A Inquires and Bio Submissions


If anyone needs to contact us directly we welcome ANY feedback, comments, suggestions, flames even.. Be sure to add "White Tower" into the subject line.



White Tower Division Leader

Email - jaydenasedai [a] gmail.com

msn - jaydenasedai [a] hotmail.com

SKYPE Jaydena



Assistant Division Leader & RP Coordinator

Email - clairesedai [at] yahoo.com

MSN - rainbowmoc [at] hotmail.com



RP Coordinator

Email: muirenn[a]gmail.com

MSN: muirenn_sedai[a]hotmail.com



Assistant Division Leader & N&A Coordinator

Email: lg_curepipe [at] yahoo.com

MSN: lg_curepipe [at] hotmail.com



Bio Checker

Email/MSN: owen.glendawr[a]gmail.com

MSN: badkharma_uk[a]yahoo.co.uk



Keeper of the Chronicles and OOC Assistant MON

Email: j_woollands [at] yahoo.co.uk

MSN: karaj.rockdom [at] hotmail.co.uk



Website Mistress

Email: amyante[a]hotmail.com

MSN: amyante[a]hotmail.com


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Question: what's the policy regarding personal NPCs?


Edit: I've read the definition Ata has put up in the biography section, but was wondering if the WT div has specific requirements . . . what steps do I  need to take in order to delegate a PC char played by another to my NPC to help with plot lines, generate quests whenever handy? :)

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Right you are, Jade. Please let me know how I can help. I'll stop spamming this thread then :]


Edit: er. Just realised that could be taken wrong as an impatient demand. If I can help I shall. And I'll stop spamming this thread now, not then/when if that makes sense. Late night x]

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