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To the citizens of the United States of America from John Cleese


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That was low Tay...but to be fair...I think the population of new york city alone is like what..half of england?? hehe...We have more crime and such but we also have more people then most of europe put togther, only country that beats us in crime is Russia, and China. Guess what..they got a just a bit bigger population then we do hehe.


But on the flip side I know you brits envey the US for some of its freedoms, and just mass amount of land.  The idea of driving for 8 hours and not leaving a state is hard to fathom for yea guys but its common for us. Kind of like driving for 12 hours can get us throw 4-5 countrys in europe...just weird lol.


That was funny...and read something like it before..


Oh and we have a fifth of the population if the US, and we are about 75 times smaller...so not that small...just bloody crowded... >:(


I want to see mountains Gandalf, Mountains...*sighs*


Thats whats missing around here, that and need to get rid of 80% of the population...lol


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