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Hello all.... (runs away before she gets tackled)

Guest malone_tymes

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Guest malone_tymes

I know I know I know.. I have been out of touch for a while.  I am SOOOO SORRY!  Real life kindof took over and well, it consumed me and my mentality.


I will catch you up real fast.  Since June of 2007, I have had 3 back surgeries.  I started back to school in Jan. 2007 and will graduate in May 2008 with my associates in Communications.  Ummm, boyfriend and I of 2 years broke up at the beginning of this year.  Ummmm, shaved off all my hair in a Britney Spears moment... jk... shaved it off because of a medical procedure I had to get done.  Other than that... life is good.


I miss you all. 


Malone Sedai

Green Ajah

Mentor to many, missing my girls

Bonded to no one


Well, consider 1) I didn't know you before, 2) You posted a pic of yourself on the pic thread, and 3) you are very cute, I'm inclined to forgive you going missing. ;)


/baps bcxanth


Sorry bout that one, he's a manshima with a mouth on him alright^^


Hi! I is Vemynal, vem for short though most call me vemy^^


Post some stuff about ya! so we can get to knows ya a bit better^^ and sorry to hear about the boyfriend and the back surgeries, I hope your feeling better.


and now to fully indoctrinate you back to DM, here is one of my many lawlbunnies^^





Hi Malone.  I didn't know you before either but am glad you are back and sorry to hear about your troubles.  Sorry your first welcome backs were from the crazy Cuen members.

  • Moderator

I've added you to the WT user group. Check in with Jaydena to get access to the other groups you need.


Welcome back!


Mentor!!!!!!!!!!!  *Tacklehugs*


I'm so glad you're back.  Did you know that I'm graduating the month after you?  I'm also here in Pennsylvania, doing my internship for this last year of school.  I'm about a six hour drive from Philly, so one of these days I hope to get out there to visit you, Yveva, and Empy.  I'll be back home in California in August.


Of course she's cute, Bcx.  She's a model, you know.  *Brags*

Guest malone_tymes

Ahhh, the model thing came up before I got a chance to clue them in.  Yes, I do model and I am actually in a book that a photographer put out.  It was taken with pictures before my weight loss, but I love it none the less. 


Where are you at in Pennsylvania?  I might be able to swing a trip.  I have family in Chambersberg, so yeah. 


So, more about me.  Ummm, moved back home after 6 yeas of living on my own.  When you loss the ability to walk, you kind of need your family.  I am attempting school again for the second time and I seem to be doing ok with it.  I love to draw, write, play video games, play sports read, sleep, sleep and oh yeah sleep.


Anything else you want to know?


Malne Sedai

Green Ajah

Mentor to Dwynwen

Bonded to no one (I need love...lol)


I'm in the northwest corner of Pennsylvania.  I live in Oil City and work in Franklin (both in Venango County).  I'm about two hours north of Pittsburgh, an hour south of Erie, and about six hours northwest of Philly.

Guest nephitess

*snugglesbites the returning Sister*


Hey there!! I'm Npehitess..Nephi for short. :) it's good to see you back even though as well don't know you! Please ignore my bonded...he is a little crazy. *ties him up and puts him in a corner*




*snugglehugs her Green sister* Welcome back hun! My RL sister has also had three back surgeries and I know it's no fun. I'm glad you're doing better now and are ready for some more DM fun.  :) 


*snuggles* Welcome back sweetie, you should be able to see the Green private board on here. I have missed you, I am so glad you are back and I am sorry you had some stuff to deal with.

Guest malone_tymes

God, I am old school.  This new site scares me. 


Hopefully I will be able to see the Green board soon.


I need something to do in the boards.  Give me something to do.


Malone Sedai

Green Ajah

Mentor to Dwynwen


*gives Malone some sugar cookies with green sprinkles on them and some oolong tea*  Just one of the many wondrous aspects of DM - calorie-free consumption of goodies!  :D


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