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[MOVIE] SG: The Ark of Truth...****POSSIBLE SPOILERS******

Guest silver89

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Guest silver89

Okay, huge Stargate fan, so am very excited about the two Direct-to-DVD's that are going to be released. The Ark's US Release Date is March 11, 2008.


SG-1 searches for an ancient weapon which could help them defeat the Ori, and discover it may be in the Ori's own home galaxy. As the Ori prepare to send ships through to the Milky Way to attack Earth, SG-1 travels to the Ori galaxy aboard the Odyssey. The International Oversight committee has their own plans and SG-1 finds themselves in a distant galaxy fighting two powerful enemies.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCxgvrTl1H8&feature=related A link to the promo.


Ark poster


Ark DVD Cover


2nd Poster


Tell me your thoughts. Who's excited? Anyone know anymore news?....etc


(SPOILER WARNING added in case anyone has seen the leaked movie and can't keep their mouths closed *g*)

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  • Community Administrator

Wow, I did NOT know it was coming to dvd THAT soon.

Well, heres to hoping they don't go totally bust, suxor, whorrible, direct-to-dvd movie. (yes, yes, whorrible was my pathetic excuse at some kinda pun thing.)

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Guest silver89

Yeah, theres a leaked copy floating around on the web. Poor quality and the FX aren't finished in it. Loved it but I want it sitting in my DVD rack. :) And quiet SD, I'm a damn Aussie. *g*

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  • Community Administrator

Yeah, theres a leaked copy floating around on the web. Poor quality and the FX aren't finished in it. Loved it but I want it sitting in my DVD rack. :) And quiet SD, I'm a damn Aussie. *g*



Dear the gods! THe Ausie-demic is spreading! RUN!!!!!!

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  • Community Administrator

Wait, what? I'm not aussie!


Yea, I was reffering mostly to Luckers, and apparently your evil twin, Silver89. ;)

But hey, your a brit right? That makes you... practically cousins!

Only, it was your cousin who was exiled for committing some kinda crime and sent to prison-aussie-land. :P

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Brit?! Hell no! I'm Canadian :D


Your at least in the provence that has the words british in it, right?!


I mean... if your like, 75 miles away from me.. that would make no sense why those games were so laggy!

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  • Community Administrator

Wait? Only 75? Where do you live? Seattle or something? And yeah, think those games were laggy because of other people. Once they got kicked the game was relatively lag free.


No no, I was saying, if you only lived 75 miles away. ;)

But since you said seatle, Washington, figure, 75 miles to the south, and about.... 400 to the east? (Think, past montana, but not quite as far as newyork.) ;)

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Guest silver89

Also, Stargate: Continuum, the 2nd in the two Direct-to-DVD's has a release date of July 2008 in the US.


Here's a link to Stargate Home Page with some sneak peeks for Ark and Continuum.


Look Here




Oh and SD, Australia is the best prison you could visit. Should look into being bad.. ;)

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Stargate fans Ive found you *hugs.


I thought the movie was great. yes i have seen the leaked copy and no i wont spoil it. Dont know what SinisterDeath is talking about the Aussies are great. AND a fellow Canadian yay. One day Canada is going to take over the world and everyone else is going to wonder what the hell happened.lol

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Scifi did kill the series under pretty odd terms, especially considering it was one of their better rated shows.  In either case, the end of the series sucked, and in the minds of a great majority of fans I suspect the AoT will be the real finale.  Fie on sci-fi.


Is it true that Continuum will kick off another spin off with Jackson as the lead?

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Guest silver89

Scifi did kill the series under pretty odd terms, especially considering it was one of their better rated shows.  In either case, the end of the series sucked, and in the minds of a great majority of fans I suspect the AoT will be the real finale.  Fie on sci-fi.


Is it true that Continuum will kick off another spin off with Jackson as the lead?


I've only heard small rumours that another SG show was being tossed around..Never heard anything about Jackson/Shanks being the lead?? Where did you see that?


Be extremely cool if they did. ;D

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  in the minds of a great majority of fans I suspect the AoT will be the real finale. 

Is it true that Continuum will kick off another spin off with Jackson as the lead?


Oh it was definately the real finale for me ;D I would love it if they did a spinoff with Jackson ;)

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