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Let's see ... my name is Susanne, but my friends call me Suzy, I live in Denmark (if I misspell stuff, that's probably why), and I am a child of 1983 - 25 years old last January =)


I was introduced to WoT, and to the fantasy genre in general, by my older brother, Peter, who started out with borrowing the Dragonlance series from the library - he had me read the first few books, and ever since then, I was always snooping around in his room for what new books he had laying around this time *lol* One day the first four books of WoT was on his shelves (bought, since they weren't available at our library) and after asking permission to take them, I started immersing myself in this world. The fact that they were in English meant they took twice as long to read back then; I had twice as long time to digest the content and to develop a probably lifelong appreciation. My brother bought each new book as they were published, and I swallowed them whole until Winter's Heart - both Peter and me moved away from home at this point; Peter took the books with him, and I found Dragonmount for the first time - I can't recall exactly when, but it was alot of years ago; there was no seperating the RP and the OOC part of the site; WT classes were done with alot of novices at once with one teacher, and the MoN had an OOC network of Eyes And Ears among Novices and Accepted to watch over boards and report different stuff.


The interest faded after awhile, and I got involved in different on-line roleplays; Vampire: The Masquerade and Wraith: The Oblivion among others, and the horribly, horribly addicting MMORPG Everquest. I found a cute boyfriend, moved different places and spent most of my adult life pushed into different forms of activation by the goverment - I have had a sleep disorder condition since childhood where I turn night and day upside down at random, which interferes with keeping a stable job.

It was finally diagnosed as a chronic problem little over a year ago, and I was given an early pension - I acquired a dog and garden, both of which I fall in love with anew every day =)


Then one day my brother calls and explains that he's getting rid of all his books - he remembers how much I loved them, and offers to bring them over. I say yes, and pick up The Eye of The World again - and face the truth that I never really ceased being hooked. At present, I am at Lord of Chaos, and am looking forward to reading Crossroads of Twilight and Knife of Dreams for the very first time!

That brings me back to Dragonmount and alot of memories =) This place sure has changed in alot of ways, but the heart of it remains the same, and I am happy to be home =)


As mentioned, I love gardening and I love animals. Yuki, my lovely white dog, probably finds it quite odd that I sometime walk him at day, and sometimes at night, but he's wonderfully patient and bears over with me =)

Aside from those two things, I also like working with paint, scissor and paper, and listening to music. Some of my favorite includes Rammstein, Cruxshadows, Evanescence, Nik and Jay (Danish rappers) and classical music.

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No, not Tilly; I can't recall what my handle was back then, but my characters were a Novice (I spent forever as a Novice because I loved taking classes and playing pranks) named Kiya - left DM shortly before I was finally convincing myself to do the arches - and a Warder-in-training named Alia =)

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