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Sci-fi without spaceships?


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I'm looking for a good sci-fi book/series. But I'm not really in to the space ship, "galaxy far far away" thing. So I'm asking if any one knows of a book (or books) thats more like Dark Angel (TV series)or Heroes (also a TV show)in it's settings and sci-fi elements.





I just read one called Nova Swing (don't remember the author) that was alright. And if you dig cyber-punk, read Neuromancer (William Gibson) if you haven't already. It's excellent.


Thanks for the suggestions. I've already read fahrenheit 451 but I might check on some other of Ray Bradbury's work. And I'll be looking in to Neuromancer as it sounds interesting.


Please post more suggestions on sci-fi (or even fantasy) that fit my criteria, ie modern or postmodern world without space travel, aliens and that sort of things.




Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash is an earth/human-based scifi story that I really enjoy. The Diamond Age and Cryptonomicon are others of his that I liked, though Cryptonomicon isn't scifi or fantasy. Kurt Vonnegut has some good stuff that fits in the scifi category as well, though some of it is space-based/inclusive. His Cats Cradle is one of my all time favorites, and does not get into space travel or aliens.


I've also recently read Neil Gaiman's American Gods, which was quite good.


If you're willing to take a chance on some good space and aliens, I highly recommend Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game series. My favorite is Speaker for the Dead, but you need to read at least Ender's Game before any of the others in the series will make as much sense as they could.


Most books by Ricard K. Morgan.

Altered Carbon and Blackman (Thirteen if in the USA) being good books to start with.

Altered Carbon is the start of a series and is a mix of cyberpunk, noir and murder mystery, well worth reading, with Broken Angel and Woken Furies as the sequels.


If you want to go real old school you could try H.G. Well's The Time Machine and The Invisible Man or Jules Verne's 20,000 Leauges Under the Sea or Journey to the Center of the Earth.  Also try Mary Shelly's Frankenstein or Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr. Jekkle and Mr. Hyde.


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