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*gasps* Oh Lor no no no! I'm sorry I shouldn't have said it that way! I have great respect for teachers and many of my good friends and family are teachers, but I feel that many of these Private Art School teachers get a little too high and mighty and forget that they're there to inspire and lead aspiring artists in the right direction. I should have specified, I'm so sorry if you took offence.  :-[

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I have officially giving up trying to quit smoking completely, and focusing on my diet instead. Much easier that way. I didnt do well being both cranky from lack of nicotine and not being able to eat what I want to eat. Poor Lars :-[ poor anyone who talks to me actually  ;D

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But, hey, Danya, at least you tried.  That counts for something.  Now must not be the best time for you to try something so hard.  I'm being serious, here.  I don't know about smoking from experience, or anything, but I know that addictions and habits are very hard to escape.  I have a destructive habit that I could work on, and I have tried to stop.  It's hard, and I keep going back to it.  No, it's not drugs or any type of substance, but it is self-mutilation (not cutting, either!) of a sort.  I understand your decision to live healthier and not just giving up totally.


Good job!

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*smiles at mmeesh*  good words hon!


*twaps Danya*  LOL  I'm doing that cause I can mostly...*huggles*  Ok darlin...I understand the whole thing..but really, healthwise which is more important?  From seeing your pics you are not grossly overweight..and I know the smoking is more damaging to your health.  And...when you go back to the not smoking..you'll eat.  What happens to the diet then..*twinnie look* 


*smiles*  Just giving you the big sister lecture...Now..on to the diet..are you excercising?  How are you doing?  GO DANYA!!! 


(I won't give up on you bieng a non smoker sweet pea!)

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Guest nephitess

My friend says if you drink lots of apple juice it helps to cleanse you and with that you loss weight. *nods* but ummmm....the side affects are ummm...gassy LOL

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I'm still knitting like a fiend because I'm cold every night walking to the train station! But I haven't found the time to get back to learning how to sew  :'( I had a bad morning when I realized I had left my personal hard drive at school with all my work on it, but I didn't let myself panic; I talked myself through the situation and while I haven't found out if all that work is gone yet, I'm looking on the bright side so I'll still be happy when the day is over.

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*laughs*  Um Neph...not sure that was the kind of six pack Tig meant....*waggles eyebrows*


*huggles danya and grins*  Sorry love!  Didn't mean to make you feel that way..but I do like the big sister feeling!!  ;)


Now Sor..where do you live that you take a train?  *grins* and when we know what ajah you're in..well we'll have to get you a shawl make to keep you warm!!  *nods*  And let us know about your hard drive...although being computer stupid myself..how could anyone get your work off of it?  doesn't it have a password?  I hope its safe though..*smiles* 


*pokes nephi*  and you little missy?  hmmm?  how are your goals and resolutions going?

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Guest nephitess

my goal of doing well in school is going well so far!! I have recieved a 94 on my last math test!! *dances*


*pokes tig* Oh a bit harder there hun...your doing well ;)

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well, I live 60 miles east of San Francisco, so I drive into the Bay Area in order to hop onto a train to take me into the city. The shawl would be great!! And it would need to be red  :P Thankfully my hard drive was just fine (I felt like the luckiest person in the world when I got it back) the man who runs the lost and found at that building in my school was so nice; he ran up to the classroom I had left it in, found it, and kept it safe in his office until I could pick it up two hours later x_x My husband said the same thing, about needing to put a password on it. I'm trying to look into it but I don't know if it's possible on such a small hard drive (it's about the size of an iPod) so I don't really know how to go about it...

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Red :(  Awww.....I was hoping otherwise.... :P


That's great about your hard drive honey!!  Good to know it was safe..and that there are good people in the world!!!


Ok...no smoking doesn't work..just forget it...i'll smoke until the day i die..probably from smoking....GRRRRR!

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Guest Stefania Sedai

I really really really tried to loose weight! In fact, I lost 15 pounds! But then I discovered the honey buns in the cabinet...................

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