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[MOVIE] Eastern Promises


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This is probably a movie that slipped by your notice when it was released in theatres a few months ago.  To me it almost seemed it went straight to video and did not pop up on my radar until it was nominated for a Golden Globe (three noms= Best Picture, Best Actor, and Best Score).  Most of the time the movies that are ignored by the general population in the theatres are real gems when you actually sit down and watch them. 


The story basically follows a doctor (Naomi Watts) as she is slowly introduced to the Russian Mafia that resides in London.  The director (Cronenberg) is trying to follow up his last acclaimed work, History of Violence, with another film that explores the question "When is Violence actually neccessary"?  Like in History of Violence, he doesn't actually answer the question but leaves it for the discussion of the audience. 


Viggo Mortenson does a nice job playing a mobster and shows why he deserves his Best Actor nod.  I would not be suprised to see him get an Academy Award nod as well... unfortunately from everything I heard, he will be up against the perfomance of Daniel Day Lewis and has little chance of winning (seeing There Will Be Blood tonight). 


I thought the movie in itself had glimpses of real genius and told a great story.  The movie felt more real than fiction, almost like we were watching a true story unfold before my eyes.  There was one fight scene that didn't have the flash of Jason Bourne or other action stars but was probably the best I have seen all year as it felt more genuine.  The attention to detail was also quite good. 


I will caution that there is nudity and violence in the movie, so this will not be for every viewer.  I am also not suggesting this is best movie I have seen all year... but I would put it somewhere in my top 10 or 15. 

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Emp, I got this movie on Wednesday and watched it later that night. I actually wasn't sure what ot make of it. I'm going to have to go back and watch it over again, because I wasn't really 'focused' on it. (was posting on DM & IM'in on MSN. ;) )


As for the fight scene that You said you liked, that wasn't the steam room fight, was it?


btw, I honestly can't believe the MPAA got an R for Eastern Promises, I'm sure theres about half a dozen other movies, that did alot less (nudity/violence wise) and got an NC17. ;)


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