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Goldeneye coming to Xbox live?


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In a rumor amazing enough that we must repeat it in spite of not knowing if it's true or not, Xbox Evolved is reporting that Goldeneye 007 may soon be available on Xbox Live Arcade.


Yes. We know you've heard that before, but this time it's attributed to "very reliable sources."


That has to count for something, right? Look, we just really, really want this to be true. Don't shoot down our dreams.


The game that everyone loved will feature updated graphics and Xbox Live multiplayer.




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Heh heh, I could just see everybody running around at 320x240...


"Hah! I got him! That, or another @%#! crate. Something moved when I shot, though!"


"Man, I never knew how bad the graphics were when this was all there really was."


"Yeah, they could have upped the resolution at least, but hey, now the framerates are phenomenal!"

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  • Community Administrator

Yup it is coming to Xbox Live.  They are putting alot of the old Xbox games on live.  Only problem is that I'm going to need a bigger hard driver soon.


Why don't you use an external hard drive? ;)

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