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Heroes of Might and Magic 5


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Anyone else as excited about this game coming out as I am? Round May 19th to be exact... I've already checked all the untis they'll have, have to say I don't like Academy and Inferno much, but the rest more then make up for it *nod nod nod*


I'm not holding my breath... I was a HUGE fan of I, then about fell over when II came out.. then rushed to get III, and loved all three to death... but when I played IV for a while, I didn't really like it. I guess I didn't like how you could have an army without a Hero in a game called Heroes.


IV was different, but I've been following the series from the start...I LOVED III. I tried getting the demo of V but had some issues...so I'm debating getting the game when it comes out.


That's like the best part of No.5, it goes back to the roots! (rare are the people who liked 4, it just wasn't what we all came to love). Only improved, but not in the 'changing the basic concept way'. You've got your 1 st strike for all creatures back again, so when you hit someone, you hit then and only AFTER they hit back. Heroes no longer participate in fights (thank god, it was stupid having one bloody human being able to defeat a host of dragons singlehandedly, not to mention in multiplayer, victorious armies allways consisted of just heroes and just one stack of highest level creatures), just with their stats and magic. Graphics rule, the castles look perty again (unlike 4, that was just BAD) and I like the way dragons are like gods to different factions, save to Academy who view them as just powerfull creatures and make their own powerfull ones (titans)... plus there are some changes I like, so, I'm totally freaking out here, can't wait for it to come!!


... that is acctualy not as big as I wanted to make it... stupid boards and their size limits! *shakes fist*



Plus, they are introducing something called real-time turn based multiplayer game, no idea how it would work, but it will be just one of the options that will make multiplayer games PLAYABLE

  • 2 weeks later...

yea...well the thing is that you COULD download it if you were into that thing :P

i must say i LOVED 3...till i played it too much...but yea great game..IV sucked so hard i came to doubt why it was i enjoyed the game...


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