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Classes Of Ah'saman


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Now guys u know how in the white tower Accepted choose which way they would like to study? Well heres a thought how about in the black tower the same thing happens wit Dedicated. Like sum1 who learns lots of Healing would be called a Medic and ppl who worked on the stuff that takes many ppl out at the same like lightings Artillery? If u get where im comin from here comment on it ;D


Basically you start off like a lowly civilian such as I am right now. And as you earn points, you spend them increasing your elemental powers, which then increases your rank. Check the ranks section on the private boards. It'll show you what you need to do to advance.


civilian < soldier < dedicated < asha'man < attack leader < storm leader < m'hael


Then there are two factions to pick from when you become a soldier, Light and Shadow.  The Shadow has it's own ranks within, the light does not as of yet.


people chose which elements they wish to develop and these are  a persons set stats. People become better in some elements over another.


Similarly to the WT idea of coloured sections which they stand out to be in a set group, one just needs to look at the persons elements to understand which they like better


Hey its Roka......Im a newbie around here, but everyone knows me by now, Ive heard lots about you but havent ever seen you on the DM boards so.....HI I started this topic........................k im done continue ;D ;D ;D


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